Reviews For Crookshanks: The Amazing Half-Kneazle

Name: Oregonian (Signed) · Date: 22 Feb 2021 05:08 AM · For: Chapter 2: Pied Fwooper of Hamlin

Hi, Barbara.


I love this story.  It's so much fun.  A mystery (Who is this Hamlin?), a crisis (the little animals are falling under the Fwooper's spell), the desperate effort by the hero to save them all, the first plan than doesn't work (What will Crookhanks do now?) the brilliant plan thought up on the spur of the moment, and eventually the enthralled animals joining in the fight to save themselves.  


What an adventure!  Crookshanks is brave and smart.  And he didn't use magic this time, just his own strength and wits.  It was good to see that the animals who joined together to defeat the enemy were celebrating together at the end, even though many of them are natural adversaries and predator/prey.  Tomorrow it will all be back to normal, I'm sure.  But for one day, even Crookshanks and Tody can shake hands and say "Even."


I'm always impressed when I read something that's really original and I can say, "I haven't read anything like this before."


Good job!



Snow Foxes

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.

Name: Raspberry_cordelia (Signed) · Date: 11 Aug 2020 02:30 AM · For: Chapter 2: Pied Fwooper of Hamlin

Hi Barbara!  Hope you're staying safe.  Back for more amazing Crookshanks and also for the Gryffinclaw Take Flight Review Event!


Aww, this was a really sweet chapter, and for whatever reason, it reminded me a lot of the bulldog from Tom and Jerry.  No reason.  It just did.  Once again, I am very impressed by how well you've crafted your animal characters - you're really only going off of physical behaviour in canon, and the personality is a very different thing.  It's super cool how you've perfectly captured the mindset of a kneazle such as Crookshanks!


I loved how you incorporated fwoopers into this story!  They certainly do not sound like a creature I ever want to come across, but it was very interesting to read about!


Crookshanks is very nice in this story actually, revealing his horrific singing voice to the rest of the world lol.  And aww, he makes friends-ish with Toby!  That's very adorable.


An excellent, chapter, if I may say so myself!


Much love,

Raspberry <3

Author's Response:

Thanks Raspberry. Glad you enjoyed it.

Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21 Jul 2020 03:05 AM · For: Chapter 2: Pied Fwooper of Hamlin

Dear Barbara!

Thanks so much for writing this and gifting it to me. I'll treasure it always, for it's so lovely.


Crookshanks makes such a terrific hero, doesn't he? He made the ultimate sacrifice by singing to his friends and his enemies. I'm just glad that Toby was there to catch young Sassy so she didn't get hurt beyond a sprained paw. While I don't expect a Crokkshanks-Toby bromance to suddenly pop up in the queue, it's nice to think that they partnered up together just that once.


Because, of course, Toby did try and kill Crookshanks. Crook has the right to be wary of that paw of friendship.


This was truly delightful. A worthy second chapter that keeps me begging for more. Cause who doesn't love a kitty story.


Thanks again, Barbara. <3 <3 <3

Author's Response:

Hey Juls, 

I was walking down the beach, trying desparately to think of a gift for the House Cup gift exchange. Then I remembered that you loved the Crookshanks, so Crookshanks needed another enemy. Who was worse than Toby etc. etc. By the time I finished my walk, the story was written in my head. Glad you enjoyed the 2nd chapter too.

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