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lo's fanfic recs

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curious traveler by belgian quaffle

curious traveler by @belgian quaffle james sirius potter/victoriya krum | hilarious will-they-won't-they/exes-to-lovers type vibes interspersed with 10/10 food blogger content | novellette (wip) i'm not saying that i cry thinking about how sarah needs to give me more james/vic content because i love them more than life itself, but i really hope this recommendation spurs another chapter  victoriya krum (yes, the daughter of that krum) is a top notch food blogger who delights in reinforc


lostinthelightss in my poor little romantical heart

a valediction by rogueslytherin

a valediction by @RogueMidwinter regulus black/oc | angst and grief and a look at the betrayal of the younger black brother | story collection (complete) jacquelin's take on regulus black (one of my fav characters to read redemption stories about) is just :chefskiss: level of amazing! the story is told through 26 drabbles, each one shedding more light on the internal struggle that the younger black brother faced before he eventually turned his back on voldermort and the death eaters. e


lostinthelightss in :chefskiss:

physical fatality by grumpy cat

physical fatality by @pirate grumpy cat oliver wood/oc | hot and heavy, dark corners and open bars, bad decisions and great sex | novellette (wip) kris' physical fatality is sexy and dark and thoughtful and destructive and so fucking amazing! it has hot af oliver wood with a beard (sign me the fuck up), and her oc freya is part veela and (as such) also super hot. but one of the coolest parts of the fic for me is how kris approaches the physical attraction aspect of veelas, and it's sup


lostinthelightss in bring a bucket and a mop

ten thousand summer nights by belgian quaffle

ten thousand summer nights by @belgian frozen quaffle james sirius potter/victoriya krum | fluffy swoony friends-to-lovers romance over the course of one (1) summer night | one-shot sarah gets right into the fluff in this story with james pretty much waxing poetic over his friend in such a wonderful way that it gives me shivers. sarah's oc victoriya (vic - from curious traveler) is smart and funny and just the right amount of flirty where you want james to JUST GO FOR IT DUDE and as th


lostinthelightss in my poor little romantical heart

ink stains on my sheets by shadowycorner

ink stains on my sheets by @shadowysnowyfairy hermione granger/ron weasley | angst-y romantic road trip escapism and coming home | one-shot eli's ink stains on my sheets is an angsty, beautiful, love story that really hits hard. hermione is struggling, as many are after the war and sets off on an adventure that ron can't quite understand. is he not enough for her? does she feel trapped? through the story, eli weaves in subtle moments that really show the extent of hermione's pain and g


lostinthelightss in definitely not crying in the club rn

let's keep it casual by down-in-flames

let's keep it casual by @down-in-icy-blue-flames james potter/lily evans | chatfic of absolute absurdity and perfection | one-shot as we know, taylor is the master of jily. taylor is also a master at chatfics. so a taylor jily chatfic is like the master of masters creating a master-piece (lol!). this story has all the assumed players - marauders, lily, and snivellus snape - that you would find in a marauders fic, but transported to the college au setting that i personally adore with al


lostinthelightss in taylor jilys

shenanigans by abhorsen.

shenanigans by @ice fairy abhorsen. victoire weasley/oc | group of highly intelligent and extremely dumb friends making poor decisions | novel (wip) branwen's shenanigans is one of the best ensemble fics i think i've ever read. with five characters, three of which are oc's, she manages to give each one completely separate personalities that somehow all mesh together in a way that is both realistic and absolutely hilarious! add in a sprinkle of possible love triangle, a magical creature


lostinthelightss in branwen's shenanigans

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