My DnD group has paused our campaign to spend the summer reading/viewing racial justice related texts and discussing them, which has been awesome. Tonight we discussed the documentary I Am Not Your Negro about James Baldwin. (Yes, it is on Netflix.) Our convo inspired me to call my parents and find out what my grandparents thought about the civil rights movement, and it was immensely interesting to me, so I thought I'd write about it.
Apologies in advance that some of the parts that
Listen, I LOVE the Fab Five. I just watched a video of Antoni and Jonathan Van Ness taking a BFF test and it made me want to know the answers about all my wonderful HPFT peeps. ❤️
Here are the questions!
When is your birthday?
What is your astrological sign (sun sign)?
What is your middle name?
What is your hometown? ➡️ for HPFT purposes, let's make it home state or country
Who is your favorite musician?
What is your favorite book? (Let's say, NO
Dear kiddo,
This is my second year teaching you. And, as you know, I now teach you in two different classes. Of every high schooler I’ve taught, you stand out as one who struggles with listening, with not talking at the wrong time, with focusing on your work. I’ve talked to your other teachers and I know your whole day looks this way. I know you hate reading. I couldn’t believe it when I double checked your file and didn’t see an IEP or ADHD flag.
On that note, do you remember this fa
trigger warning for depression/suicide
I kind of dropped off the face of the earth lately. And i love this site and it's members, so i guess i am writing this because i want you all to know that my absence has not been because i care any less than i ever have about this community.
I have found life immensely hard and overwhelming over the past months. This is profoundly stupid, because i am very privileged and fortunate in pretty much every regard, and my life in objective terms is pre
If you are on Twitter, you might have witnessed a fascinating discussion about how speakers of different dialects pronounce the word "squirrel." This reminded me of my linguistics and history of English courses - which I found truly fascinating. I got all excited and decided to make this blog post, so here we are.
One really important thing is, there is no "right way" to speak. There are some wrong ways to speak, sure. Like, if you pronounce the word "cheese" with a hard K at the sta
Thank you so much to @TreacleTart and @starbuck for their help in putting together this blog post!
If you have been around the forums the past month, you surely observed or participated in the wonderful House Cup event the staffers created for us,
? ? The Magical Menagerie ? ?
This event was wonderful for many reasons! Houses had the opportunity to partner with each other, it provided the opportunity to read stories that might earn a FROGS nomination down the road, and of course,
As you may know if you've looked at the bullet journal thread in the Great Hall, I am absolutely obsessed with bullet journaling. ? It's an addiction. I have a problem. ??
Since it's almost a new month, I spent some time tonight setting up my bullet journal spread for September. Part of this monthly ritual includes choosing a quote to inspire me for the next thirty days. I decided I wanted a place to record and share all the quotes I've used so far, so here they are!
In ca