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Chiara's blog

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Sirius Black: a womanizer?

Hello, my loves! Welcome to another one of Chiara's purposeless ramblings!  Okay, I don't really do blog very often... and definitely not about character interpretations, but this is something I've been pondering about for some time and wanted to share with you, because why not?   If you know me at least a little bit, you know that I have a very serious (no pun intended) obsession with the Marauders within the HP fandom. Marauders stories are what first introduced me to the world of fa


Felpata_Lupin in Character analysis

Thank you, FFT!!!

My dearest FFT-ers, it's Christmas Eve, 2020 is finally reaching its end, and I know it's been a difficult year for many of us in many ways. I consider myself extremely lucky for not having impacted by the pandemic in any major way, but I've still been struggling a lot with the isolation and loneliness these past months. And this is why the friendliness and support of our community has been doubly precious for me this year! So all I want to say to all of you is a huge, heartfelt


Felpata_Lupin in Christmas wishes

Lezioni di italiano 1 - funny idioms

Hello, my lovely HPFTers! How are you all doing? Hope everyone's well! So... I'm not sure if this will be interesting for anyone, but I've been thinking of making a few blog posts about the Italian language for some time. I've had a lot of ideas, but I never really got around with it because I wasn't sure where to start and if it would even be interesting for anyone at all... but this morning I happened across a couple of articles online (here are the links: 1 and 2 - rated M to be s



London actress mysteriously disappears in Verona

The Dayly Prophet - June 29th, 1983 London actress mysteriously disappears in Verona Miss Chiara Nightingale, 23 years old, rising star of the Morgana Playhouse of London, has been reported missing last Saturday during a leisure trip to Italy. The report has been filed by her fiance, Mr Remus John Lupin, who's been accompanying the actress in her voyage. "We wanted a little break from the stress of wedding planning," he's told our reporters when asked about the trip, hardly h



12 months of positivity - August and September

I'm getting so bad at these...    Anyway, I'm back!!!   August has been as great as I expected it to be (even if I wasn't really good to record it here... too busy enjoying it in RL...  ) and September has seen a lot of Jimmy progress, as well as a very special visit...  But I'll just go with the actual post, now.     AUGUST 2018 1 - The month of the holidays!!! The day has been intense but that's a good thing because at least I didn't have time to get bored. And it's always



12 months of positivity - July

Hey, my loves! I'm here again with another one of these posts!  I hope you are still enjoying reading them, even if I've become so bad at these... July is my favourite month of the year (totally unrelated with the fact that it's when my birthday falls... ) but I will admit that this year all I wanted was for it to be over because... AUGUST! HOLIDAYS! HPFT MEETUP!!! But this is for the next blog post, I guess...   So, without further ado (whatever that means...  )   JULY 2018



On life, writing, adulting, fanfiction, representation and other things – a stream of consciousness

Okay, people. This is high on my list of things that have absolutely no priority to be done but, like, I need to? I'm jumping into this without any real plan and I have no idea what will come out of it... also, a word of warning: this might turn very personal and I might also include thoughts that might be disagreeable or that might be triggering for someone (I'm not saying it is going to happen, I'm saying it is a possibility)... please know that, if that eventually happens, it is not my intent



12 months of positivity - May & June

Apparently I've been naughty and skipped my post last month...  so I'm going to put May and June together.  Also... wait a sec... how is half year already gone? What's happening? It would be really nice if life slowed down a little bit?  Anyway, here we go! And as always, hope you enjoy reading!   MAY 2018 8 - Day so and so, mood not at its highest, but it cheered me up exchanging messages with Richard and I even managed to write a little bit... forecasting a productive evening..



12 months of positivity - April

Another month has passed (not that I mind, great things waiting ahead ) and you know what that means by now... I'm getting very bad at this, btw, but I still hope you'll enjoy!    APRIL 2018 3 - Jesus is risen, Easter and Easter Monday are gone (maybe a bit too quickly), going back to work is delirious and nothing seems to work, but... Spring has arrived, trips and weddings are getting closer, many projects are in the pipeline and I finally have some time for myself. And tonight I'



12 months of positivity - March

By now you know how this works, right?  Welcome to my March, fam!  Yeah, I know, I'm a bit late... but Easter and aunt time... you know how it goes... It was definitely better than February, but I think we can still work on making things better... But let's just get started!    MARCH 2018 1 - Peaceful day, the snow falling, tea in the morning, the great announcement of Secret Cupids. 2 - And waking up in the morning to find out that I'm Head Student. And then a carbonara a



12 months of positivity - February

Hi again, my loves! If you saw my previous entry, you know what this is about, so I'll skip tedious introductions this time  I haven't been as good at following through with this in February as I'd been in January... then, again, this has been a bit of a difficult month, what with stress at work, car misadventures and just general low mood (and you'll probably notice that some of these happy thoughts are actually a bit on the melancholy side...) I'm hoping in a great March, though! 



12 months of positivity - January

Hello, my beautiful HPFT family!  January is over and I'm here with a blog post...  A little explaination: one of my new year's resolutions for 2018 was to keep a diary in which I would note a happy thought each day. Since I had the idea here (we had a thread for new year's resolutions in the Hufflepuff CR) and since I love you guys and since I've incredibly followed through with it and I'm proud (I've only skipped one day), I thought I'd share it with you. I don't know if it'll be



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