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"Where HAAAVE you BEENNN???!"

There's no style or creativity involved in this post, and very little point other than to just infodump about everything that's been going on on my life lately. Partially as an update for anyone who cares to know why I've been so absent (aside from just barely getting staff things done), and partially because maybe if I write it all out it'll help clear out my mind or something.   The good: My birthday and anniversary were this past month! We managed to take a nice little weeke


Darling_take_off_the_mask in well that's just, like, your opinion, man

Book rec: The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins

THE CONFESSIONS OF FRANNIE LANGTON, by Sara Collins When visiting my sister in London earlier this year, I picked up this book in Waterstones, attracted by its gothic cover aesthetic, intriguing title, and placement in a display of LGBT+ fiction. When the back cover revealed it to be a crime drama/ murder mystery of sorts, set in the early 19th century, I was sold.   Genres: Fictional memoir, gothic, historical fiction, crime/mystery, drama, LGBT+   Trigger/conte


Darling_take_off_the_mask in Good stuff

Hate-Reading My Autobiography

38 is possibly a bit young to be having my midlife crisis, but it seems to be here nevertheless, catalyzed by total burnout. I'm at a point where I need to make some decisions -- if not now, then soon-ish -- about what I want to be doing. I'm wildly dissatisfied at work right now, about 80% of which is due to circumstances that may be transitory (bad administration, laughably low personnel levels and huge workloads), but the fact remains that it'll be that way for some time. And my job is s


Darling_take_off_the_mask in well that's just, like, your opinion, man

Noir Challenge | results

Last summer I was hit with an intense yearning for some twisty plots, cynical protagonists, femmes fatales, and a touch of evil. It was a reasonable request, so I set a challenge to bring me all your anti-heroes, danger, and corruption, to show me characters with tragic flaws in a world that's a bleak and lonely place. And boy did you guys deliver (in fact, the postman had to ring me twice). I got 7 wonderful entries: lingering darkness by @grumpy cat — A gritty and glitt


Darling_take_off_the_mask in challenge results

r/MissedConnectionsHPFT (A tale of Broom Racing and heartache)

Wistful musings about the various fics I had to pass up during the 2020 HC Broom Racing review task (in which we could only move on to review a new fic if it was connected to the previous fic by two common genre/ theme/ inclusivity/ pairing tags).   ~~~~~   Me:   Fresh-faced, messy bun, steaming mug of tea in my hands, eager to start the day off right and get those points for Ravenclaw. Full of hope and maybe even a bit cocky after my first couple of reviews.   You:

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Slytherin

(I don't actually think Bruce Banner is a Slytherin...but he is green. So.)   The other day I was talking to an HPFTer who was considering making a blog post about their Sorting according to Sorting Hat Chats (SHC); they had some Slytherin results and mentioned that they thought their discussion of their character traits was just going to make them sound unlikeable. This got me thinking, especially since I later heard another HPFTer make a similar comment about their own results and po



Sorting Audrey Greene (or, In Which Nobody Is Surprised)

As eager as I am to apply Sorting Hat Chat (SHC) principles to Percy Weasley and analyze that whole...situation...I do not have the time or energy for that guy's bullshit right now. So I'm starting with his better half Audrey, who yielded results exactly as I imagined she might. For anyone unfamiliar with Irrational, Audrey is subdued, kind, and competent, but has a certain lack of self-confidence. She's a hard worker, often putting in long hours, and cares about doing a good job, but she's



Sorting Myself Out (with sortinghatchats)

I've been prompted to start a blog thanks to @abhorsen., after a discussion in the Discord turned me on to the Sorting Hat Chats (SHC) quiz. After taking the quiz and reading the SHC philosophy and explanations and applying it to myself, I thought it would be so fun to Sort some of my own characters using SHC, at which point I learned that Branwen has already done this with a multitude of characters from different fandoms (check out her blog!). She encouraged me (as well as others) to do the sam



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