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Ineke's Ramblings

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Sorting Ineke



Okay so following in the footsteps of so many others because why the hell not - I (re)did the sorting hat chats quiz again to see what I got (and to argue yet again over my primary because I legit feel like I'm betraying Ravenclaw if I ain't getting it as my primary).


So first - for my primary.


As stated - I argued a lot with this part of the quiz hence to my fierce loyalty re ravenclaw and... it literally went every way but Ravenclaw to the point I had been called a hatstall. The first thing it said was that I might be a Slytherin primary.


Slytherin Primaries are fiercely loyal to the people they care for most.

This is a statement that is actually very true re myself. I will go extremely far for the people I care about - even if the feelings might not be returned. It actually ends up in me getting hurt more often than not, but even still it's not something I can actually turn off. Which also sometimes saddens me, because some people take advantage of this.


However - the ambition and me-first thing don't really go for me that well, so I went on with the quiz, which then started talking about being, maybe, a Burned primary, but again, I'm stubborn and went with trying out for Ravenclaw as it was. After going through an entire set of questions again, putting Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff against one another, checking out model primaries (and discarding them), followed by going through Burned again, and ending up being thrown a Gryffindor primary (yes, I legit went through them all here). The quiz then decided I was a hatstall, landed on Slytherin primary yet again, but eventually I went with Burned Hufflepuff, because that just describes me that bit better.


you might also be a Burned Hufflepuff. They can look a lot like Slytherins, with small inner circles that they prioritize. However, a Burned Hufflepuff only has a circle so small because the world is too hard and exhausting to take responsibility for anyone but the people closest to you. In a better world, or if they were a "better" person, a Hufflepuff would be generous to a wider audience. A Hufflepuff feels bad or guilty about the limits of their loyalty; a Slytherin feels satisfied and possessive.

This, for me, is especially true. I never really felt a part of any group - accepted, yes, truly a part of, no. I have a few little friendgroups where I do feel accepted and truly a part of, and while I do care about others, I generally do not have the energy to care and take responsibiilty for action anywhere other than where my priorities lie - people or otherwise. I also do feel bad about it, because i always have the feeling that I want and need to do more, but because I legit do not have the energy or mental ability to do so, I always feel hindered in that and guilty about it.



The secondary, however, was much easier. It gave me Hufflepuff, but also Ravenclaw, so I checked them both out.

While I don't necessarily agree in terms of being paid back for all the work I do and people coming to my aid when I dont even need to ask (mostly... because I tend to give and get nothing back, so my level of trust in there is so low that the times it happens I don't believe it or keep expecting people to want something back from me), this part does speak to me:


Often overlooked, Hufflepuff Secondaries may be handed secrets, access, or tasks of monumental importance because they have developed a reputation that they can be trusted with them. This reputation is earned through a slow and steady process of hard work.

This is something that does ring true. Even at work, I'm doing tasks that are usually done by the bosses themselves but which they don't have time for. Because I pick stuff out people have missed and/or overlooked many a times (proven today at work multiple times, actually, to the point I'm compiling a huge list of things I need to call GP's about), or because I'm just good at it, and people know I get it done in time when asked to. It's a matter of trust, both in my abilities and the fact that I deliver when need be, because I never let them down before. That's also well summarized in this


This is what makes a Hufflepuff: they show up. They do the work, often for no obvious gain except for the satisfaction of a job well done. This is the source of their power, and it is slowly gathered, not obvious to look at, and rarely spent. 

However, I went to check out Ravenclaw too, because I need to have my options.


Dedicated to knowledge, to facts, systems, tools, or skills, the things they have already learned are what they call on when things get tough. They can collect useful skills, build complex clever systems, invent vitally useful things, or just learn everything there is to know about the birds of South America.

While the invention and stuff isn't necessarily true, I do know a lot of stuff about the things I am actually interested it - and the rest can go fuck itself. I also rely a lot on how I know to do things, even if there might be ways to do it more efficiently, because I know this works and I know I can rely on it without going into panic mode.


Ravenclaws’ efficacy often relies on what situation they are in: what the problem is they have to solve and whether or not they’ve prepared the proper tools for that problem. While Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors can apply their skills at stockpiling trust or inspiring passion to attack various situations, Ravenclaws’ tools are necessarily task specific.

That is also explained here. If I don't know how to do it or don't have the necessary info, I'm way less efficient than otherwise, also because I don't know how to really improvise. 


If they’ve already built themselves a tool set for a situation, they’re likely to excel at it. If they have not, they’re likely to blink a few times while they try to either invent something new for themselves or to cobble up something approximate from their existing resources.

I truly feel called out here - because I struggle to find a way to do things if I don't know how, so I just try with what I know and if it works I stick with it, even if it's not efficient. But at the same time, because I know it works, then I also know that I am doing it right and leave little to no room for mistakes and it gets done right.


Ravenclaws, like Hufflepuff Secondaries, are at their best when they can prepare before the problems show up, not improvise or invent in the moment. 



 Ravenclaws can collect their tools with the aim of eventual usefulness, but are likely to also collect knowledge just for the sake of knowledge.

We call this the entire getting distracted on wiki pages bc I need to know and learn more about that one interesting thing that's probably not even that important in the grande scheme of things. But yeah, I also work only with the stuff that might help me - if it hinders me then it's out.


So this all means that I feel at best with a Ravenclaw secondary, which makes sense, considering I always saw myself as a Ravenpuff, really. Still, I felt called out with the primaries, but I can live with a Burned Puff and I always thought myself more of a Slyth than a Gryf so, y'know, it checks out. :3

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