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Honest Fic Trailers: EPISODE 1 - Evolution




After watching still more Honest Trailers (M), I decided it would be fun to try trolling some of my own fics (originally in the Gryffindor CR) and opening the fun to everybody else - now I will be posting mine here for posterity. Should you wish to take a crack at your own fic (or be bold enough to let someone else do so ?) I'm all about adding them here as new episodes if you PM your completed copy!

Without further ado, here is the OG Honest Fic Trailer (imagine it being read in the dude from the channel's voice/style):




In an epic story spanning two years and 579 chapters, follow along as James Potter and Lily Evans, two of the most beloved characters of the Marauders Era, finally put aside their not-so-different differences to become the Hogwarts power-couple that eventually spawns the savior of the wizarding world. See Lily worry about how outstanding an Outstanding she'll get in classes. And James...date another girl? For like...half the story? I thought this was a Jily fic man!

In the background follow one of a thousand side-plots as savage wannabe student club leader Severus Snape kills a goat, almost kills a classmate, and generally acts hard while brewing cauldrons of potions that nobody will ever use. Oh, and he's definitely still obsessed with his elementary school crush. You know - Snape stuff.

Meet a broad cast of dozens of other characters who you'll wind up trying to identify using only their hair color. Like Lily's blonde friend. Lily's other blonde friend. Sirius Black's blonde friend with benefits. And James's eleventy-seventh, but seemingly first real girlfriend who's...actually not a blonde. Discover exotic locales like the library, dorm rooms, hallways, and the cafeteria where students go rogue by: holding secret meetings while breaking curfew, making out while breaking curfew, and working with a Slytherin double-agent to bring down the Voldemort Youth. While. Breaking. Curfew.

See all the Marauders Era tropes turned upside down as the biggest pranksters in Hogwarts pull off pranks that are really fucking lame and Lily's explosive temper actually explodes for once in fic - all over seeds in a dueling championship tournament. Wait. There's a dueling championship tournament? With a bracket? What the hell is this - March Madness?

And just when you think the romance that lies at the heart of this monster almost eight years in the making is finally going to happen - yell at your screen as it slips right through your fingers seventeen time while you imagine the author laughing maniacally in the background.


Lotsa Randos.

Quidditch diggers.

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Little Miss Sunshine.

(Katie Wallenby)

The Furrauders.

251255f14a956ad4ce24d586c2e41647.jpg spacer.png spacer.png
                  (Sirius Black)                                    (Remus Lupin)                                      (Peter Pettigrew) 

Brooding Emo Kid.

(Severus Snape)

Fire Flower.

(Lily Evans)

And Sky Captain.

(James Potter)


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