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sorting sidenote (fred + victoire weasley, gallagher dedworth)

Note: I use the sortinghatchats system - +here’s a link to their ‘basics’ post. To briefly summarize, though, they sort everyone on two different (and equally important) aspects of their personality: the first (your “primary” house) is why you do things, where the second (your “secondary” house) is how you do things. i just spent may +writing more than 50k words +about them, so i figured, why not write a few more? ?

so here's fred, victoire, and their friend gallagher. (other members of their squad to follow later.)

fred weasley (ii)

fred is a +gryffindor primary:

Gryffindor Primaries trust their moral intuitions. They feel what's right in their gut, and that matters and guides them. If they don't listen to and act on that, it feels immoral.

he's guided by his intuition - he just gets gut feelings and trusts them, and he doesn't feel the need to go back through and interrogate them or rationalize them. his faith in himself and his own judgment is clear in how confident he is about most things - fred typically doesn't spend a lot of time reflecting or questioning what to believe. you can see that repeatedly in conversations he has with victoire over the course of the story - he says something, she wants to know why, and he just shrugs. he is capable of going back to recreate the steps his gut probably took to reach the conclusion he did, but it's very much recreation and guesswork, not actually poking and prodding his beliefs.

fred is a +ravenclaw secondary:

Ravenclaw Secondaries plan. They collect information, they strategize. They have tools. They run hypotheticals and try to plan ahead for things that might come up. They build things that they can use later. They feel less at home in improvisation and more comfortable planning ahead and taking the time to be prepared.

his confidence can sometimes make him look a little like a gryffindor secondary, but ultimately, fred problem-solves by planning and making things. he wants to information gather rather than run in blind, and he's good at tracking down information and thinking about different ways to fit things together and bounce them off each other. the most noteworthy example of this in shenanigans is the first generation of texting tablets that he created without any muggle reference point and his figuring out how to hook up his friend micah's to his muggle sister's phone so they could text at school, but he consistently uses systematic problem-solving to solve his problems - the contrast between his approach and gryffindor-secondary victoire's rashness is pretty clear at multiple points in the story.


victoire weasley

victoire is a +ravenclaw primary:

Ravenclaw primaries are the system-lovers. They create, modify, and outright adopt systems that give them frames and guidance for interacting with the world… they value truth. They want to find the correct, best way to look at the world and to interact with morality and the people around them.

she is constantly, constantly poking at everyone and everything to explain "why." a simple "i just have a feeling" isn't good enough - you need to be able to justify that feeling. she is a lot more willing to work backward from a gut feeling than a lot of ravenclaw primaries, though, in a large part because she's seen gryffindor-primary fred's "i just have a feeling"s turn out to be right often enough that she'll often try to find a way to justify agreeing with him rather than go from a more neutral starting place - but ultimately, there needs to be a logical thread that she can use to get from point a to point b, and when she doesn't have the words to create that thread, she misses some pretty obvious things.

victoire is a +gryffindor secondary:

Gryffindor Secondaries charge. They meet the world head-on and challenge it to do its worst. Gryffindor Secondaries are honest, brash, and bold in pursuit of things they care about. Known for their bravery, it is almost a moral matter to stay true to themselves in any situation that they’re in.

when she sees a thing she wants to do, she just… does it. there's minimal planning - it's just "this thing just occurred to me, so i'm going to do it." it's how she gets into two really plot-significant situations that i'm not going to specify but that if you've read past chapter 22 or 23, you know exactly which two things i'm talking about. she doesn't think. something occurs to her, and she does it without really considering the consequences. this is something that she does occasionally get called out on; depending on the way she's being called out, it can definitely upset her a lot… but she doesn't really learn from her mistakes.


gallagher dedworth

gallagher is also a +gryffindor primary:

Gryffindor Primaries trust their moral intuitions. They feel what's right in their gut, and that matters and guides them. If they don't listen to and act on that, it feels immoral.

unlike fred, gallagher does like to present himself as being relentlessly logical and in control of his emotions (there's probably a ravenclaw primary performance in there). ultimately, though, while he likes to say that he's closely considered a lot of different variables, that's not what's really going on - he can have every reason and justification in the world to back up something he's already decided, but when he's presented with an actual decision to make, he's going based on how he feels - even if that contradicts everything he's said up to that point. (if you're caught up, you know what i'm talking about here.)

gallagher is a  +slytherin secondary:

Slytherin Secondaries improvise. They are the most reactive secondary, finding their strength in responding quickly to whatever a situation throws at them. They improvise differently than the Gryffindor Secondary, far more likely to try coming at situations from different angles than to try strong-arming them.

i don't think i can talk about it without spoiler-ing, so spoiler tags:


fred tells vic after her first makeout session with gallagher that while he doesn't think that gallagher is lying about how he feels, he does think he's wrong about how he feels. fred is correct; gallagher insists that he's generally been able to intentionally not think about vic in a romantic/sexual context, and he's not totally wrong in terms of generally being able to control his conscious thoughts. conscious or not, though, he had a huge fucking crush on her, and as people with crushes often do, he wanted to be with her.

i mean, he genuinely cares about her and wants her to be happy - but there are a lot of different ways to help support someone you care about, and most don't involve subconsciously exploiting a whole mess of fault lines to guide a lot of chemistry that one little step further. it wasn't an accident that he ran with the "let's say we're hooking up" cover story when she suggested it (which she did - this was not one-sided). he knew teddy well enough to know that teddy was uncomfortable with vic still being in school, which meant that the matchmaking he was so keen on helping out with was never actually going to be super simple and straightforward... and "use me to make teddy feel jealous" implicitly sets him up as someone to be jealous of. it also wasn't an accident that when the opportunity arose to make one-on-one plans with victoire over the holidays while they were still at hogwarts, he jumped at them.

was any of this conscious? fuck no. was it happening behind the scenes? fuck yes. he's a slytherin secondary with a monster crush on his super hot friend with a lowkey crush on him, and it goes about how you'd expect.

hashtag offtherails


so, in summary:

fred is a gryffindor primary/ravenclaw secondary (with probably a ravenclaw primary model).
victoire is a ravenclaw primary/gryffindor secondary (with probably a gryffindor primary model).
gallagher is a gryffindor primary/slytherin secondary  (with a ravenclaw primary performance).


also, some broader fred and vic backstory


it's alluded to at multiple points in the story, but fred and vic spent a lot of time together when they were growing up. neither angelina nor george was in great shape after the war, and fred was not really intentional. bill was kind of the only person in the family who was in a genuinely functional place - he and fleur were trying to get pregnant when they had victoire.

around the same time (fred and vic are very close in age), angelina and george found themselves in a position where they wanted to keep fred, but were still really overwhelmed by their own grief and trauma, particularly around losing… well, (the other) fred. george talked to bill about some of the really hard and painful discussions they were having, and after some really long discussions of their own, bill and fleur basically told angelina and george that they'd help as much as they needed, for as long as they needed.

so early on, fred spent a lot of time with bill, fleur, and victoire… and fred and vic got along really well. everybody missed george's dead twin named fred, and a weasley named fred being part of a duo that kept finishing each other's sentences and causing general mayhem was… kind of comforting in a way that was possibly not entirely healthy but ended up working out okay. which is not to dismiss the genuine friendship fred and vic always had - just that that's part of where that kind of nebulous not-really-siblings-but-cousins-doesn't-quite-cover-it-either relationship comes from.

even though they were sorted into different houses, that became pretty clear pretty quickly to everyone after they got to hogwarts, too - in part because they were usually together anyway, and in part because they were virtually always both caught when they were causing mayhem. (though that was as intentional as it was organic - their parents told them before they left for school that if they had to cause mayhem, they should try to do it together and make sure that they were caught and punished together, because otherwise fred was probably going to end up with harsher punishments. that's part of why vic's kneejerk reaction when fred got caught in her dormitory with his girlfriend was to insert herself into the situation.)

and now i'm gonna stop, bc apparently i suddenly care about spoiling shenanigans, but micah/lexy are in-progress.


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