sorting victoriya krum | a curious traveler bit
welcome to the sortinghatchats sorting of vic, the main character of curious traveler. perhaps diving in deeper here will give me more inspiration to finish the damn fic. from the sortinghatchats website, here we go!
gryffindor primary
QuoteGryffindors are marked by their steadfast intuitive morality. While Gryffindors are just as capable of looking at things logically and weighing the consequences of different courses of action, they will feel the most at peace with themselves when acting in accordance with their gut morality...They are willing to sacrifice their safety, social harmony, and a certain amount of logic to do what they feel is right.
some of the reason why vic is a gryffindor primary are spoilers for upcoming chapters and events but essentially, it comes down to the fact that she needs to act on what she feels is right. she makes a decision and sticks to her guns, no matter how much shit her family and friends may give her. she trusts herself to know what's best, that what her gut is telling her is the right information. (and i believe this will become more obvious over the course of the rest of the fic, but for now, that's all without major spoiling events)
gryffindor secondary
QuoteGryffindor Secondaries are more likely to change their volume than their content. They can hold their tongue. They can be polite, patient, proper people—but when the going gets rough or the rough get going you can find a Gryffindor Secondary by the way their problems are met head on rather than subverted, negotiated, or cajoled...A Gryffindor Secondary can and will lie if the cause is important enough— but it will leave a bad taste in their is a Gryffindor’s stark, direct honesty makes them them feel the most secure.
vic's blog is about as candid and honest as can be, something she shares with basically everyone. she really doesn't care for lying-(spoiler, she's currently doing it and hates it), but she can do it, it it's what she feels is right for the situation.
the gryffindor secondary fits vic well. gryffindor secondaries tend to charge, they make things up as they go, and well, besides being in her mid-20s (which is just about the definition of making shit up as you go), the last two chapters posted have featured her going home with her ex just because she wanted to. she bought 8 sticks of fried meat because why not? girl is all about just doing what she wants when she wants, full steam ahead no looking back.
so there's vic's sorting: gryffindor primary, gryffindor secondary