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Battleship: Hogwarts Results




Battleship: Hogwarts Results

2020-2021 House Cup Opener Event

Welcome one and all to the results blog for the 2020-2021 House Cup Opener Event run by yours truly, the Prefects! Over the course of 3, 5-day rounds, each House battled it out with the others to sink items before their opponent in a good ol' fashioned version of Battleship on the forums! Each House had 6 items to place around an 8x8 grid, and then completed tasks to attempt hitting their opponent's items first. Before we dive into the stats and highlights from the event, a quick reminder of how points were awarded:


  • Miss - 1 point
  • Hit - 3 points
  • Sink - 10 points
  • Sink all opponent items - 25 points
  • Win round - 50 points

Placement (by # of wins)

  • 1st Place - 200 points
  • 2nd Place - 150 points
  • 3rd Place - 100 points
  • 4th Place - 50 points


With that out of the way, let's get dive right into that statistical analysis and some truly silly highlights from the duration of the event! ^_^

Round 1

Ravenclaw vs Slytherin

The point total for this match-up had a differential of literally point before any bonuses were applied due to a fast and furious search for items on both sides! It was Ravenclaw - 154 to Slytherin - 155 but Ravenclaw ultimately came out on top this round by a hair's breadth for the general points. 

Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

Both Houses got very excited in this round and there was a lot of back and forth fire between them, keeping everyone (us Prefects especially!) on their toes to count and track all of the cannons being fired, although Gryffindor ultimately won out in the end. The general points for the round ended up being Gryffindor -146 and Hufflepuff - 171.

From the get-go, @RonsGirlFriday's gif game was on point when sinks were confirmed!


Round 2

Everyone went way harder in round one than we had naively thought you all would, so we raised the stakes and upped or changed some of the requirements for a lot of the tasks.

Slytherin vs Gryffindor

A fierce competition was had between these Houses, almost overwhelming the poor Prefects with how speedy everyone was posting! After a strong fight, Gryffindor again won this round, with general points being Gryffindor - 158 and Slytherin - 157.

Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

This round of hit volleys between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff was pretty laid back, with a quick Ravenclaw lead at the beginning that would then be overtaken by Hufflepuff and then retaken again by Ravenclaw for the ultimate win! General points were Ravenclaw - 148 and Hufflepuff - 157.


Round 3

Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

After a slow start in this final round, this basement battle came down to quite a close finish! Both Houses were neck and neck the whole way through, leading to quite a suspenseful finish that saw Hufflepuff with the win, with general points being Hufflepuff - 156 and Slytherin - 157.

Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

The colorful descriptions of sinking items by @pirate grumpy cat and the hardworking machinations of @potionspartner went head to head as these two as-yet-undefeated Houses battled it out for the tie-breaker to place first, with Gryffindor ultimately coming out on top with some very lucky hits early on that sealed the deal. The general points were Gryffindor - 145 to Ravenclaw - 167.


Task & Individual Statistical Breakdown

As there was some demand for this, we've done some statistical analyses of both individual and House breakdowns of points earned, tasks completed, and what kind of tasks were completed. If you wish not to see these breakdowns, feel free to move on to the summary statistics below. :)


To understand these stats, simply look at the color of the box -- the darker the color, the higher in frequency or number that person's points, tasks, or types of tasks were. If you have any questions about how these were calculated, @magemadi would be more than happy to answer them. ^_^

Individual Points & Task Type Breakdown


Individual Task Breakdown



Summary Statistics

The two most popular hit tasks were Recommendations and Great Hall Posts. This was closely followed by 3 or 5 Review Responses and "Archived" Thread Revival, even though that task was only in the first round!

The most popular sink task by a hair was 1 or 2 Drabbles, but overall each of the four options were used rather similarly!

Several members tended to favor certain types of tasks, while others spread their engagement around somewhat equally.

We must also give a HUGE shoutout to members @pirate grumpy cat, @la_topolina, @RogueSlytherin, @victoria_anne, @prideofprewett, and @Hawksquill for achieving so many points for their Houses, respectively!



Sink Bonuses: 25 points for sinking all opponent items

Gryffindor: 25 x 3 = 75 points
Hufflepuff: 25 x 3 = 75 points
Ravenclaw: 25 x 3 = 75 points
Slytherin: 25 x 3 = 75 points

Win Bonuses: 50 points for winning a round

Gryffindor: 50 x 3 = 150 points
Hufflepuff: 50 x 1 = 50 points
Ravenclaw: 50 x 2 = 100 points
Slytherin: 50 x 0 = 0 points


Final Results

In Fourth Place, with 593 points, Slytherin! :slytherin:
In Third Place, with 709 points, Hufflepuff! :hufflepuff:
In Second Place, with 794 points, Ravenclaw! :ravenclaw:
In First Place, with 874 points, Gryffindor! :gryffindor:


Congratulations to all for a well-played game of Battleship! Stay tuned for the Staff's Halloween Event ?, and a Prefect Writing Challenge coming this winter! ❄️


Your Prefects,

@magemadi @Renacerá @juls @belgian quaffle @RonsGirlFriday @singmetothesun @MalfoysAngel @sibilant


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