June 2020 Bulletin
Welcome to HPFT's June Bulletin!
If you're new, welcome to HPFT! It's awesome to have you with us. HPFanficTalk is a forum/archive - the forum is Harry Potter-themed (including a year-long house cup), but we talk about other fandoms, too, and the archive is multi-fandom/OF. We have a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events, so if you're a writer, you've come to the right place.
A quick rundown to help you get started here on the forums: please post in the 'Welcome to HPFT' topic +here to say that you've read over the rules and understand them. You can specify your house in that post or in our sorting ceremony +here - once you do, we'll sort you into the right group so you can see a common room that only people in your house are allowed to see. You're welcome to post in your common room and/or in our introductions forum +here to introduce yourself if you'd like, and you may also find our +FAQs helpful.
Enjoy your stay!
Applications for all staff, prefect, and house newsletter editor positions will be open from June 1 - June 10. There's no post count/join date limit, and you can apply for as many positions as you like - it's all on one application. A detailed rundown on how HPFT staffing works can be found +here, and you can find the application +here. If you're interested, please apply by midnight PST on June 10th.
If you applied in April or May, you don't need to apply again unless you'd like to apply for additional positions or change your answers - we'll still consider you this month.
@sibilant is moving from the auror/gamekeeper team to the prefect team. Thank you for all your work on the archive and in event planning, Shreya, and enjoy your new role!
At this point, everyone has heard about the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the hands of police officers, and the wave of protests in support of Black Lives Matter it's sparked across the United States (and the world). @sibilant is running a +fundraiser to support efforts to end police brutality, both through financial support to organizations and through other activism as well. We strongly recommend that you check out the blog post, and thank you so much to Shreya for being such an inspiring and wonderful member of our community.
In lighter news, our finale will be starting later this month; keep your eyes peeled for more details in the next week or so.
Both of our head students this month have been incredibly encouraging to other members of the site, participated in discussions across many areas the forums, been active in their common room activities, and consistently left thoughtful and kind reviews for their fellow HPFTers over the past month. Please give it up for...
@ImaRavenclaw and @mymischiefmanaged!
Congratulations to you both! Please PM @abhorsen. with your choice of story you'd like to have featured next month.
This month we’re honoured to award the Order of Merlin to someone who is truly the heart, soul and conscience of this community. Over her time on staff this person has gone above and beyond to make the queue move faster, the riddles harder, the events a trial of wit and wisdom, and always to make a stand for what is right. Shreya has been an inspiration to the site but never more than these last few weeks, with heart and determination she has helped to raise an astounding $2,500 and counting for her +anti-police brutality fundraiser, providing information and advice on how to help to anyone who is interested. We’d like to thank @sibilant for all of her work during her time on staff, and are delighted to welcome her back to the Prefect Team. We are incredibly lucky to have her.
let's keep it casual by @down-in-flames!
banner by @down-in-flames
lily evans: i’m going to kill him i’m going to kill him i’m going to kill him
lily evans: I’M GOING TO KILL HIM
lily evans: give me ONE good reason not to commit murder right now
james potter: you can’t fuck me if you’re in prison?
This month, @down-in-flames and @toomanycurls read @down-in-flames's and it was like slow motion You can check out the video under the spoiler tag.
This month, we're featuring our site story of the month, our fic night fic, some winners of FROGS/house awards, stories by recent head students, and several staff picks.
Congratulations, @abhorsen., @beyond the rain, @clevernotbrilliant, @down-in-flames, @just.a.willow.tree, @maraudertimes, @MuggleMaybe, @shadowycorner, @sibilant, @toomanycurls, and @TreacleTart!
Congratulations to @WanderWitch and @MuggleMaybe for winning +the season picspam challenge, @down-in-flames for winning +the house picspam challenge and +the marauders picspam challenge, and @just.a.willow.tree, @MuggleMaybe, and @RonsGirlFriday for winning +the philosopher's stone blackout poetry challenge.
July 1 - The Make Maraudertimes Swoon Challenge by @maraudertimes
July 3 - The Trapped Together Challenge by @dreamshadow
July 19 - The Coming Out Challenge by @Ravenclaw_scientist
July 25 - The Fluff Challenge by @Noelle Zingarella
July 31 - The Underrated Character Challenge by @beyond the rain
August 1 - The Ultimate Poetry Collection Challenge by @TreacleTart
August 30 - The Noir Challenge by @RonsGirlFriday
31 August - The Version Of Me Challenge by @aurevoir
2 - @Slide
4 - @ImaRavenclaw; @manno-malfoy
9 - @VoxVocisCruora
13 - @abhorsen.
21 - @TreacleTart
22 - @ichigopan
23 - @AngelEyez3954; @Rose Ameile Hunter
27 - @facingthenorthwind
Bulletin compiled and written by @abhorsen. and @Ineke. Order of Merlin written by @something wicked. All graphics by @abhorsen.. Featured staff picks by @maraudertimes (Memory Dust), @grumpy cat (sparks), and @RonsGirlFriday (Requiem).