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ink stains on my sheets by @shadowysnowyfairy

hermione granger/ron weasley | angst-y romantic road trip escapism and coming home | one-shot

eli's ink stains on my sheets is an angsty, beautiful, love story that really hits hard. hermione is struggling, as many are after the war and sets off on an adventure that ron can't quite understand. is he not enough for her? does she feel trapped? through the story, eli weaves in subtle moments that really show the extent of hermione's pain and grief, and then gives her those bittersweet moments with ron that drive me close to tears because i just want them to be happy. the way ron respects the space she needs while never straying far enough that she can't reach him just speaks to his character, and the compromise they come to is just... UGH AMAZING AND EVERYTHING I WANT AND THE ENDING IS SO GOOD!!

tldr; eli's romione's are also absolutely amazing, and if you like some angst with your romance, or if you love road trip escapism as much as i do, you will absolutely be enamoured with this story

banner/feature photo by aurevoir@FFT

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