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notes from the ravenclaw bulletin board and notes from the ravenclaw bulletin board 2: hbp edition by @Lost_Robin

humour, ravenclaw culture, fluff, TOADOPOLIS, various cameos by professors | notes 1 is complete, notes 2 is wip

i'm legit obsessed with these fics. they're hilarious and amazingly well written and there's fucking TOADOPOLIS in them and just ughhh i feel like everyone absolutely needs to read them, especially if you want to die laughing because you will.

the stories are literally told through notes left on the ravenclaw bulletin board in the ravenclaw common room - the first one is set during ootp and there's magnificent umbridge shade thrown, the second one just recently got posted and it's set during hbp - so far i've died while reading chapter two so beware. i'm now a ghost who is writing this rec :elmofire:

i just...i'm amazed at the way they're written and how they tell so much through just freaking notes.

i love these fics okay.

pls read them and yell at me how good they are, it will make me happy

Edited by pirate grumpy cat

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