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a valediction by @RogueMidwinter

regulus black/oc | angst and grief and a look at the betrayal of the younger black brother | story collection (complete)

jacquelin's take on regulus black (one of my fav characters to read redemption stories about) is just :chefskiss: level of amazing! the story is told through 26 drabbles, each one shedding more light on the internal struggle that the younger black brother faced before he eventually turned his back on voldermort and the death eaters. every new chapter/drabble feels even more perfect than the last but also more perfect than the next which doesn't make any sense and yet it still totally does because the way jacquelin writes each one just hits you in a completely different spot, and by the end i just... i'm speechless it's just absolutely amazing. ?

as a romantic i also very much appreciated her oc, one of the reasons why regulus began to pull away from the dark foundations his life was built on, and the impact she had on regulus. just... ✨

banner/feature photo by hotel california@FFT

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