Some 2021 Resolutions
HAPPY 2021!
Usually, New Year's Resolutions are quite triggering for me because of the association with dieting and weight loss. But since March 2020 I've been in eating disorder recovery, and it's important that I don't focus on the dieting anymore. Christmas and New Year were still very difficult and triggered some panic attacks, but I was very determined to not focus 2021 around my usual fears.
So, I decided to think of things that would really make me happy.
1. Finish my story "Recovery" - This isn't a be-all and end-all resolution as the story has already been in the works for six years, officially getting posted for nearly three now, and I don’t even think I’m halfway through.
2. Work on and complete my Proofreading and Editing Diploma - accredited and able to be completed entirely from home, I will be able to take my time with it over the year, gain a qualification, and see where it can take me!
3. Febuwhump – another writing-related goal you ask? This one happened accidentally after seeing someone reblog the tumblr post and my muse instantly nagged and nagged! So, 28 whump prompts over 28 days is happening. I’m already writing as many as I can so when it comes to February, I can just post them on the corresponding days rather than trying to both write and post everyday (NaNoWriMo taught me that’s a really bad idea). My Tumblr. Febuwhump Tumblr.
4. Use my author facebook page – I’ve had one for around six years, but I only invited close friends to view it that knew I write. Well, after Christmas I took the plunge and invited all 600+ of my friends list and gained another 40 likes within the day. Not bad at all! Now, I’ve just to pluck up the courage to use it…
5. Draw up some plans for original fiction – I would really love to branch out and write not just my fanfiction but some original fiction too. I’m not sure I could write sci-fi/fantasy, though that is my favourite genre to read, and in fact most of the things swimming around my brain are based on my own life experience. We’ll see.
Turns out they’re all writing goals… haha whoops?
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