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something wicked


all your darkest roads by @viking grumpy fox

so this is slightly different from kris’s other dom and vic stories, here we focus on the two sisters' relationship. we find vic standing on the edge of a cliff outside their family home, and honestly those cliffs just SCREAM to be written about because there's just something about characters looking out over the sea and being full of thoughts. it’s beautiful and dark and extremely poetic, showing vic in the middle of a literal and mental storm, switching between dom’s view of her sister and vic’s internal struggles. we flash from the cliffs to vic in various memories, full of cracked mirrors and dirty alleyways behind clubs, the switch is dramatic and chaotic, and the same could always be said for vic herself. so much has gone on between these two, but here we see how much they love each other, and that no matter what has happened they put each other first, that dom will always be there to shot through the noise in victoire’s head and help ground her. it’s heartbreaking and comforting all at once, as well as being packed full of the usual, beautiful description and aestheticness that really makes this whole series stand out. as always kris's writing is just magical, the kind that transports you and leaves you wanting to give her characters a well needed hug and always needing to know more. 

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