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pomegranate seeds by page thirteen.

pomegranate seeds by @page thirteen.


if you want to read something which will just make you feel warm and fluffy and gently happy inside, then this is exactly the fic you've been looking for. it's sweet without becoming soppy, comforting and cozy in a way which is so, so good. it's a story which revolves around food and family and friendship and tradition, with a real current of kindness throughout it - like a lesson in paying it forward; just... being nice. everything about it is wonderful: the characters, the writing, the atmosphere which honestly leaks out of the story in waves. everything. 

it's uplifting, it's charming, it's a little bit whimsical, it's really hopeful, it's a reminder to hug your grandparents (if and while you can), it's just... lovely. in every sense of the word. and it comes full circle in a way which is so beautifully right and feels entirely, neatly, complete ^_^ 

Edited by Aphoride

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