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January 2022 Book Recs



I only finished ? four books ? this month, but all things considered I am TOTALLY fine with that. They were four wonderful books, but two of them just really grabbed me in the feels, and I want to shout about them from a rooftop. But since it’s barely 10 degrees (Fahrenheit) these days, I think a mini blog rec post will have to do. Without further ado, come read these books, you will not regret it.   

? The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab will take you on a magical journey across time. It is poetically written with many twists and turns to it. It’s told from dual timelines that eventually converge (my favorite thing ever) and it really is just lovely from start to finish. It’s slower paced until you get about 100 pages into it, but if you’re ok with more introspective, character based writing this one is definitely for you. I had so much appreciation for the way this book was crafted and just keep thinking about that after having read it. 

? Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert is one of those heartfelt, hysterical sort of romances that sticks with you once you finish it. I related super hard to Eve Brown as a character (always giving to others first, sort of on the outskirts of many friend groups/relationships, not fully understood by your family), and I think that is why I loved this story so much. That and, our male MC is totally serious and counteracts her sunshine-y nature in the best sort of way. The way these two characters complimented one another, supported one another and then loved one another was absolutely magnificent. If you’ve read any of the Brown sisters stories, you know there is a healthy amount of smut in them, and this one is no exception. But if you’re cool with that, you’ll be totally cool with this book.

? Courtney

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