Muggle Studies
Muggle Studies (M) by @RogueSlytherinCadet
Once in a while, I come across a story purely by chance (ok ok, purely sent there by a reviewing event, but who's counting?) that really gets under my skin and keeps me glued to the screen. From the very start I was hooked by the narrator's sense of humour and story-telling skills. It's written from first person point-of-view, and the (pretty reliable) narrator is James (II) Potter, who is navigating that post-Hogwarts graduation life of...well, NOW what do I do with the other seventy-odd years that I have remaining on planet Earth? He's jobless, a little aimless, but bloody hilarious with it, and he's just been dumped by his girlfriend. A girlfriend that he actually didn't mind being dumped by because he wasn't that into her in the first place but I guess she served an arm-ornament purpose. Before you start to hate James for what I've just said about him - you won't be able to. He's like one of those joyous labradors that does everything wrong but is just so handsome and lovable, you can't help forgiving it each time it does something monumentally stupid.
And James does stupid. Oh yes. Hooking up with a muggle, for starters. And managing to get his wand confiscated by his dad and having to live as a temporary muggle himself. Luckily for James, he has this superb set of friends and family members (and a muggle) who can help him see the light.
But there are twists in the way. And what twists they are. Of course I'm not going to tell you WHAT twists because that untwists them, doesn't it? Suffice to say, I got twisted. And I LOVED it.
I'm not going to say any more because I don't like giving games away, but put this on your must-read list and READ IT.
Over and out
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