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A Madness Most Discreet by RogueSlytherin

A Madness Most Discreet by @RogueSlytherinCadet

If you've ever wondered what made Regulus change before *the thing* happens, you want to check this story out. Jacque does such an amazing job of explaining Regulus and her OC Mina's motives throughout the story. It flips between their POVs, giving you information that you never saw coming about The Dark Lord and the way everything went down. And for Mina, whose intentions are rarely if ever clear, her final decision will make you scream and want to rip your hair out. And also make so much sense.

And I haven't even brought up Remus, who has his own tale in this twisted love(ish) story. You should follow-up your reading of A Madness with its partner story A Few Mistakes Ago if you want to hear more about sordid affairs and messed-up motives. The story is so dark and muddled by immoral choices and betrayal and I love it so much. And, did I mention, there are some steamy bits which are ?

Please check this out when you are in the mood for something that will keep you on your toes and being self-reflective the whole way through ❤️ 

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