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2022 Golden Ink Awards Nominations Statistical Breakdown

2022 Golden Ink Awards Nominations Statistical Breakdown

Hello and welcome to my third annual statistical breakdown blog about everything that was nominated/moved on to being a finalist for the Golden Ink Awards!

As a reminder, when I compare to last year's numbers, this year only required a story to be seconded in order to move on as a finalist, compared to requiring a third nomination to move on to voting last year. We also tried something new this year with anonymous nominations, where nominations were hidden at posting and then staffers periodically posted what still needed a second to move on, along with posting when something became a finalist and updated the main topic.

Voting closed earlier this week, and results will be posted soon. Let's dive right in to the numbers, shall we?



Statistics discussed in this section include anything that was initially only nominated and seconded, including those that did not make it through to voting.



All statstics


That's it for this year's breakdown of the Inkys nominations, folks! Thank you to everyone who nominated stories this year, and I hope the new format was useful for folks and at least to me, it gave me the impression of a lot of different stories got nominated this year and also helping to take some pressure off of nominating. Results from voting will be posted soon! ✨

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