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In Light Of You by quill2parchment



Hey friends! Gather round, gather round, let me tell you about a fabulous drabble series! 

gather schitts creek GIF by CBC

In Light of You by @quill2parchment, tells the story of Harry and Ginny prior to a certain ? tragic event ? prior to her other story In This Darkness (which is another story that you all should have on your reading list, if you don't already. ?

I'm about halfway through In Light of You and I really just can't stop with how good it is. Admittedly, I was not a Hinny shipper based on canon nor based on the films, but Quilly has certainly converted me with her version. I think what's so great about Quilly's Hinny is that she plays up all the qualities that Ginny and Harry possess as opposed to just reducing them down to a few that we primarily see from the source material. They feel complex and multi-faceted and I am always a sucker for people who become the parents ™️, so to see how they grow together in love and life before that happens for them...it's a beautiful thing!

Another thing I love about this series is that it gives you the good with the bad, very much like how life is. I think that gives depth to these various slices of life that show progression at various points in the Hinny relationship. And in addition to this, Quilly delivers some really stellar lines. Below are just a few of my favorites (so far). Beneath spoilers, in case you've not read these chapters and don't wish to be spoiled.


Some humor from ch 3, prompt was "recognizing the other's voice in a crowded room. Seriously this line had me cackling and envisioning a young Harry mildly being deer in the headlights. And since he's with Ron, who would equally be awk about it, it was just comedic gold, this line. ?


"There’s an impossibly large bra for him to sign in his hand but he pushes it back at the girl who's handed it to him.."


From ch 6, "stargazing," prompt. Drawing a whole universe for Teddy. ? And showing that softer side to Ginny's character (females can still be strong as hell and soft, thank you for writing her that way, Quilly).


“My little darling,” she says, slapping her forehead, “we’ve misunderstood you, haven’t we?” She raises her wand, fixing the images on the ceiling so that it now includes a bright sphere dangingly just above his crib. “There’s your moon, Teddy.” 


From ch 10, "sneaking out," prompt. Quilly has convinced me they are perfect for one another with this chapter end line. ?


"They keep on walking through the busy streets that way, holding each other, laughing at nothing, and feeling all together relieved that their world will never be that world."


And then this one from ch 14, "a promise." Like. Read chapters 13 & 14 together and then tell me this isn't like a punch to your gut. Quilly takes a way that Harry so often feels in canon and then gives us Ginny's reaction to it. And it was hauntingly sad. A+++ line for me! ?


"Ginny’s head shoots up.  There are tears standing in her eyes. She grew up poor, with six older brothers, but only now is she understanding that she had the sorts of wealth Harry could have only ever wished for as a child."


And there you have it folks! If you want some fluff mixed with angst goodness, check out this piece!

? Courtney

Edited by prideofprewett

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