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Introducing "Auto-Buy Author," Anita Kelly



Have you ever heard of Anita Kelly? Have I ever sung their praises? I am shocked that I have not yet! Anita Kelly is an amazing writer whom I greatly admire. They originally hailed from my own state before relocating to the Pacific Northwest and they began as an independently published author. They have since gotten an agent and a book deal of three, so I am weirdly happy for them as one of their many fangirls. 

Anita Kelly started out with three independently published novella’s centering around different characters who find their HEA at a queer karoke bar called Moonie’s. They are listed below in the order they occur, but can be read independently as well. 

Sing Anyway

Our Favorite Songs

Wherever Is Your Heart 

Now, I know novella’s get a bad rap sometimes for feeling like underdeveloped novels, but Kelly has a rare gift, all! They give so much depth and complexity and room for all of their characters that it feels like a novel length story crammed in 150 pages or less. All of these three novellas are so full of heart and joy and heartache and a desire to be seen/valued that you cannot help but leave each and every one of them with a full heart full of love.

Since the Moonlighter’s series, Kelly has also come out with two novels: Love and Other Disasters, which is out now and I can confirm is wonderful, and Something Wild and Wonderful, which is set to come out in March 2023.      

Anyway, I cannot recommend this author enough to folks who enjoy romance. Kelly is now on my “auto-buy author,” list. 

Do you have any “auto-buy authors?”

? Courtney 

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