A Christmas Miracle (or HELP ME! I married a fan of my super old fanfic and want to finally finish writing it as a Christmas gift!)
Oh, hello there! And no, the Christmas miracle is not that I've found myself on fanfictalk.com again (although it could be considered one as well, it's been far too long).
Anyone remember me? Highlights of my career: top tier riddle solver, former website blower-upper, professional procrastinator, and now we can add to the resume "wife of fellow fanfic writer and member Cannons/Fin"!
A little background on the the romance before I literally BEG for help: Fin and I met on HPFF many many many years ago. I was a Prefect, he broke a rule, I messaged him to say "bruh, not today", and somehow from that, we became friends. Started out with just writing to each other in long-winded paragraphs about random things maybe once or twice a month (tv show recommendations, fanfics we were currently enjoying, etc), and then eventually the site grew on Twitter and also Skype, and suddenly we were able to talk much more frequently and easily. Again, we were friends for a very long time - literally four years before I realized I liked him, and on one eventful Valentine's Day, Fin sent me a SnapChat that simply said, "I have a crush on you". ADORABLE, RIGHT? Except for the part where I lived on the West Coast of America and he lived in England. One extremely on-again-off-again year of dating-ish later, we realized we could not keep ourselves from coming back to one another, and so we decided to figure out how to make things work for real. Long story short, I now live in England with my super cute and very sweet husband.
The catch: One of the first things that ever happened when we first started talking is that Fin decided to read my WIP Lying Josephine. He genuinely fell in love with it, so yes, basically I married a FAN, HOW COOL IS THAT? However, as previously mentioned, I am a professional procrastinator, and so my poor story that literally began like fifteen years ago or something ridiculous, has sat stuck at just seven chapters for... let's see now... last update was on...
September 29, 2018.
Oh my God. That's over five years. And no, he has not forgotten its existence, because I get the good old "when you finally gonna finish Lying Josephine, Tanya" line about every few months. And up until a few days ago, I had genuinely, in those five years, not written a single word. But I swear on everything in me, I am DESPERATE to change that, and I would really love to shock the hell out of him with the completed novel by Christmas day.
Here's where the genuine begging of help comes in: I cannot do it alone. I need a beta reader - or several - to help keep me chugging along. The thing is, most of the story has actually been written this entire time, it's just that it's unedited and I had horrible writer's block with chapter eight, so I could never move forward. But my fingers have finally begun moving again. I can't believe it! I reread and organized every single chapter and note that ever existed for this WIP, I made a few changes, a couple adjustments, and I fell back in love with this story I began so long ago. And I just want to complete it. And I know my husband does, too.
This is the story synopsis:
After Fred's death and a series of mishaps, Josephine finds herself posing as Fred's former girlfriend for just one night to help the Weasley's move on. But when she grows attached to the warmth of having a family again, she finds herself unable to walk away and forced instead to live life in her lie.
If this project interests you at all, please please please let me know. The beta work does not need to be extensive, I'm not looking so much for tiny details like misused grammar, because that's all stuff I can fix after Christmas. My husband won't care if I accidentally used "your" instead of "you're", you know what I mean? I can catch those little guys later. He just wants the story. He just wants the plot. He just wants the answers to where is this going and how will it end? And so what I really need from a beta is this:
- To read the current chapters that exist already on the website, so as to be caught up as possible on all the details of the story before moving on to new chapters
- To read my new chapters pretty quickly, simply because the Christmas deadline is close, and give some feedback on the bigger things, like did I write anything that contradicts an earlier chapter? Do the powerful moments land how they should? Are the funny moments funny? Are the terrible moment heart-wrenching or not quite hitting right? Does the writing flow? Was this bit here awkward and therefore takes you out of the moment? And so on and so forth.
- The total number of chapters needing beta help are twelve, so there will be nineteen total chapters when you add the seven already posted
I know it's a lot to ask, it's a busy season for many, with both the holidays and NaNo still ongoing, but if you've made it this far and feel like you can and want to help, please do let me know. I will be forever grateful, and I know my husband will be, too.
Here is a link to the story on the archives: https://fanfictalk.com/archive/viewuser.php?uid=24
Thank you,
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