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Lying Josephine by writeyourheartout

Archer Rose


We’re back to celebrate a very special story! ✨


A deserving winner of two categories in last years inkys:


Best Angst & Best Supporting Character ✒️✨


Lying Josephine is an exciting project that @WriteYourHeartOut has picked up again last year with the aim of finishing it for her husband and the original fanboy, Fin. While the project still has a bit to add, we’ve been thrilled by the new additions to this beautiful long term project. 

What are they saying about lying josephine? 


‘This may seem at first to be just a character study of a young woman with overpowering guilt issues, but it quickly grows into a really convoluted love triangle - and one member of that triangle is lost.  The remaining members are irresistibly sympathetic as they hide (or at least try to hide) their true feelings for one another while sharing their sense of loss for the first member.  The writing is charming and holds the reader gently but firmly.’


‘tanya's fred is just so amazing, the dialogue and mannerisms really highlight what we see in canon but gives him so much more detail than he's offered in the books. his personality really contrasts against the main character which makes their scenes so engaging. he feels so alive.’ 



fred picspam by @Darling_take_off_the_mask


Lying Josephine is set during the aftermath of the second wizarding war with particular focus on the death of Fred Weasley. Josephine Adair is hopelessly in love with George Weasley and aims to be closer to him by applying for a job at the Weasley brothers’ joke shop. Josephine slowly forges a beautiful friendship with Fred during this time as he quickly discovers her secret feelings for George. Fred and Josephine proves to be an interesting dynamic. Josephine is totally devastated at the loss of Fred during the final battle at Hogwarts however. The story really earns its inky award with its heartbreaking portrayal of grief by both Josephine and George. There are many powerful scenes that pack an emotional punch throughout the story as Josephine and George grow closer under Josephine’s lie about her relationship with Fred.

Josephine finds herself in the position of lying about having a relationship with Fred during his lifetime. She believes it’ll bring peace to Mrs Weasley in particular but slowly Josephine sees that she is also benefiting greatly from the lie herself. 

Tanya’s characterisation of Fred’s character is a highlight and earned Lying Josephine an inky - best supporting character. Fred’s appearances are mostly told through flashbacks during the story. Fred’s character is at the heart of the story throughout the whole story. While it’s Josephine’s story, Fred’s influence on her is paramount to the storytelling. Fred Weasley feels as bright and vivid as day. This story is interesting and original story and a credit to our archives.

Edited by Archer Rose

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