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Take the Road to Hogsmeade Village

You've taken a break from your exams to wander down to Hogsmeade; we hope you won't regret taking a break from studying.


  1. Up to the Shrieking Shack

    Are you really foolhardy enough to go up there? It's supposed to be haunted, you know. If you're sure, though, you’ll need to answer this first...

    When this wizard attempted to cast the Patronus Charm, he was devoured by maggots.

  2. Down the Main Road

    Ahh, this is more like it! It's bright and cheery - if a little quiet. Most students must be too diligent to wander down here.

  3. Through a Dark Alley

    This really is a huge detour from your exams. There seems to be something lurking in the shadows - we hope it doesn’t bite. If you’re really sure you want to go down there, you’ll need to answer this riddle:

    If you wanted to find dragon eggs but weren't quite sure where to look, what book might you find helpful?


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  1. Welcome to Hogsmeade!

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