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Swim Toward the Broken Chains

As you swim deeper, you come acros some very rusted chains suspended in place. Some mysterious force seems to be stopping them from dropping to the floor of the take… if you’d like to examine them more closely, find the answer to this riddle:

The power I give is unsurpassed
and it's rare that you would find me;
just a twin with thousands of cousins
and in peril, my song will warn thee.


  1. Go Toward the Lights

    Through the cloudy water, you can see lights off in the distance. If you’d like to swim toward them, you’ll need to complete the activity in the topic below; if you do so correctly, it will give you the password.

  2. Follow the Chains to the Lake Floor

    Rather than confront the merpeople, you could give them a wide berth and keep going down. The lake floor isn’t much further, and it’s sure to have interesting plants. To keep going, just answer this question:

    What are merpeople from Scotland more precisely known as?


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