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Site maintenance update (2 Sept 2024) ×

I Am Thankful For...


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Hello there!


Thanksgiving has once again arrived (for Americans) and just passed (for Canadians). I know this isn't exactly a world wide celebration, but one thing that I do think extends across cultures and oceans is the general message of it all. I know that life can be rough and that sometimes it's hard to be positive, but I use this holiday as a reminder to stop and really consider just how lucky I am. I also always try to take this time of year to tell people what they mean to me, so without further ado I want to say how thankful I am for....


Rose, Alo, Branwen, and Tanya...You four have been the backbones of building the forums and the archives. Earlier this year we were all displaced, lost, and fearful that we wouldn't have a community. I know that personally for me, I was experiencing some deep emotional turmoil, but then you lot rode in on white horses like knights of old and saved the day. You've built this lovely new home for all of us and more importantly, set an example of tolerance, kindness, acceptance, and willingness to listen. I'm truly thankful for your efforts, but even more so for your friendships.


To All The Staff (past & present)...That feeling of tolerance, kindness, acceptance, and willingness to listen that I talked about in the last paragraph...well, you lot all exemplify it as well. I've been lucky enough to be friends with most of you for several years now and you are all truly amazing people. I'm constantly blown away by and thankful for the efforts you all put into making this site the wonderful place it is and by your continued efforts to help it grow and improve.


To All The Prefects (past & present)...I am so thankful for the passionate, energetic, and creative people that you are. I'm constantly amazed by how many ideas for activities, threads, promotions, etc. you are all coming up with. Every time I pop by the bathroom, there's something new and exciting going on. I'm also so proud of/thankful for the leadership you've each shown in your own house and across the site.


Most Importantly...To all of our members....I am so incredibly thankful for each and every one of you because each of you brings something special and unique to the table. You share your stories and in some ways parts of your soul with us and that's a wonderful, magical thing. Without you, this site wouldn't be nearly the place it is. Each of you has helped to shape and mold it into something truly special and I can't wait to continue to see it grow. Thank you for being part of this community which I love so dearly.


And finally...I am very deeply thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the staff here. I love and adore this community more than I can possibly articulate and the chance to give something back (even if it's just something small) means a lot to me. I've enjoyed reading your stories and I look forward to reading many more!



Please, feel free to post what you're thankful for below. All squees, love, and warm fuzzy feelings are welcome. <3

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Ah, Kaitlin, this is lovely!


I certainly echo all of the thank yous listed above. But in particular, I am so thankful for the openness and acceptance this community shows toward all people. It's been a CRAZY year for me, including a lot of personal realizations and coming out to my family. Having all of you wonderful people on my side has meant more to me than I can say. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Sneaking in to share some of my thanks before the calendar turns. I won't be as eloquent as Kaitlin, but I will try.


First, I want to give an enormous shout-out to my fellow staffers here at HPFT both past and present. It has been an amazing journey over these last months bringing the site to life, adding an archive, and everything in between. I also want to pay particular tribute to Rose and Alo, our original admins, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to be part of such an awesome project and for everything they do behind the scenes to give everyone the best experience possible.


I am also thankful for every single one of our gallant Gryffindors. They already know I am ridiculous with alliteration in my references to our house from the CR, so hopefully they'll forgive it here, but each and every one of you has truly touched my life in some way - whether it's inspiring me as a writer, being there for me as a person, or both (or other things that are eluding me at this late hour as I notice I'm already past midnight...).


Lest you think you are forgotten, I am incredibly thankful for all our Claws, Puffs, and Snakes as well - HPFT would be nothing without all our members, differences and all, and you remind me every day why we're here and that what we still aspire to become from here is truly worthy of chasing with every fiber I've got.


Knowing that I've rambled, I just want to add that this all coalesces into my biggest thanks of all here - that HPFT exists and thrives. This community has been the light that's gotten me through the darkness more times than you know since we've burst onto the scene and I can't wait to see what's next.

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I'm thankful for this community to continue the love of the HP fandom amongst many others. I'm also thankful for being able to write such stories with such supportive people who push me to improve this hobby of mine when I get artist's block.

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