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What's your Resolution?


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Happy New Year, HPFT!!




So it's that time of year again, when the calander turns over and a new year begins. Most people look at it as a fresh start, or a chance to change and try to better themselves. Maybe you want to eat healthier. Or possibly finish that WIP that's been sitting there for ages. Maybe even cut out some toxic people from your life, and focus on you. Whatever it may be, usually a New Year's Resolution or two are made and if you're like me, broken by January 4th, and we'd like to know what they are! :)


Down below, if you feel comfortable doing so, post your New Year's Resolution. It could be HPFT related, or something to do with your personal life. (Of course not giving away an specific locations, or anything else that would go against the site guidlines)


Happy New Year, everyone!! We hope that you all of a happy and healthy New Year!!

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I'll start us off!


I don't really have any resolutions for my RL, because like I mentioned, I don't stick to them. I know me haha. But as for HPFT, I intend on finishing Saving Severus Snape by the end of 2017 hopefully sooner. I started on it over 2 years ago, and it's not even half way finished. I need to step it up.


Maybe I'll try to quit smoking again, too. Who knows. *shrugs*

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Same, I never make resolutions because I always forget about them by the next day! ???


However, I'll make an exception for on here and try to stay active all year, it'd be great to try and at least check in even when things get really busy!

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For the love of Pete, Minnie: you are a man with a brain and reasonable ability. Quit whining and find something to do.


(that's my resolution)

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Mine is to FINALLY get my driver's licence and to be where I can look at taking the steps to get my own place.

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So I'm big on resolutions...because if I make it a resolution it some how turns it into a challenge...and I think most of you know how I am with challenges. LOL


Resolutions for 2017:

-Finish 5 of my 19 WIPs (at least one of them must be a novel)

-Complete 1 writing challenge per month.

-Be a TDA Superstar all 12 months of 2017.

-Work on getting promoted/get promoted to Senior on TDA

- Get my workout routine back on track. 30 minutes per day.

- Visit Peru, hike the Inca trail to the summit and visit the amazon.

- Take a short trip to at least one other country (aside from the above)

- Get my motorcycle paid off.

- Start the house buying process by the end of the year.

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Huzzah resolutions! May I come back this year and actually find I've done most of these...


1. Finish Evolution (for the third year running :P)

2. Lose the fifty (50) pounds I first lost three (3) years ago - again

3. Decide whether to remain in the legal profession and/or find a new job

4. Start a mock trial program at a local college/university

5. Write every day

6. Make a new friend

7. Learn to trust again


Here's hoping I can make 2017 an exceptional year and that all of your resolutions come true, friends!

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Well, first up I want to wish everyone luck with their resolutions! Here are mine...


-When school starts up again for me I really need to stop being late in the morning, as it counts when universities look at your application (and I also just need to stop being late).


-I need to ski more, because last year I was so swamped with homework that I didn't get out more than a few times (and I had a season's pass, like every year since I started skiing, so that didn't get payed off).


-Work on versatility in my fan fiction.


-Run track more often.

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1. I will try to be on this site more often

2. I will actually read fanfics that I didn't write, and leave reviews

3. I will reach out to new members and make them feel welcome

4. I will finish Year of the Snake


There. Now to actually do something about them ...

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My resolutions are:


-finish at least one of my WIPs

-update at least once a month (I know this seems low, but I haven't updated since approximately November)  :o

-in addition to FF, regularly work on my OF novel

-go to the gym or work out at least four times a week

-read at least 50 books

-write a review at least once a week


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My big resolution this year is to stop apologizing for being myself. (I have often been told I apologize too much.) It's gonna be a *struggle*


But, HPFT wise, my goals are:

- Complete Camp NaNo with a new project

- Finish all the WIPs I've already started posting (or at least make a good effort)

- Write everyday, even if it's only 100 words

- Be an active Prefect

- Leave at least one review a week

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My main one is that this is the year that I'm gonna cut my hair short for the first time. I'm a lot more at peace with how I look nowadays than I have been before (though I've never been extremely unhappy with my looks or anything) and I've always wanted to cut my hair short, but I've never gone through with it because of my prominent ears that I've always been self-conscious about. Buuuut what are insecurities for if not for getting over them? By cutting my hair short I'll force myself to make peace with my ears - and get a cool new look in the bargain!


Here's my full list:


1. Cut my hair short

2. Finish my master's thesis on time - or at the very least this year!

3. Attempt JulNo

4. Work on my relationships

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