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I remember back in the day when I first discovered fanfiction how short and to the point each review was. As time's gone by, however, my reviews grew and grew and grew (to, like, the point of being cut off at times for reaching the maximum allowed character count). I have a feeling I'm not alone in this, and I want to see what your reviews looked like when you first started posting them compared to what they look like now! Post below with an early review you left and a recent review you left! Let's see the difference! ^.^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to post my first and last for HPFF, which I suspect will stay pretty consistent as I primarily shift over to ao3.


First: 7/13/07


Oooh... Absolutely wonderful!


Where to begin? I loved the complicated relationship between Sirius and Regulus, you did a great job of portraying Dumbledore (a lot of writers can never really get him right), it was interesting to hear about their father, the feeling of mistrust between the characters really made the sense that they were at war strong and... yea, it was awesome.


It was a bit confusing at first, as it was unclear whose point of view it was from (because the first flashback started out more from the view of Regulus, that quite through me off) and the time period was unclear until halfway through. I didn't understand what had happened with James and Lily, but I kind of like that it wasn't explained.


This actually reminded me of my own story, with the flashbacks and everything. It was quite good, although confusing at points. I would love to read more of your work!


Last: 4/10/16


You already know I think this story is awesome, so this review is to say something different:


I think YOU are awesome.


♥ ♥ ♥




Haha, that last review isn't very characteristic of my current reviewing style, but it certainly is characteristic of my love of my fellow writers, so I couldn't help myself =P


One thing that still applies from my first review is I always congratulate writers when they do a good job with Dumbledore. One thing that has definitely changed is I don't try to plug my stories in other people's reviews  :-[ Oh, and I've learned how to spell yeah. Yeah.

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Also doing HPFF.


First: Sep 10, 2011



Your greatest strength is definitely in your descriptions. You draw the reader from the start with the reference to pygmy puffs and hippogriffs with flaming insides, which is both entertaining and helps draw you into the world in a way that "this sucks" doesn't.


The way you talk about his metamorphagus abilities is also great. You've added a tiny bit of detail about the ability that compliments what we know-that it can be affected by your mood-and makes us feel more attached to him as a character at the same time.


A problem I've frequently had when reading this kind of piece is that it often doesn't feel real or the PoV character spends so much time thinking about another character that I don't get a sense of who they are. Or sometimes both. You've avoided this quite nicely by injecting his sense of humor and reactions to specific events into your writing, which is great.



I love your descriptions, as I said above, but occasionally, you do get a bit too wordy or flowery. For example, at one point you say "it would feel like a million years ago if it wasn't merely one." That has too much going on in it to really work, imo. Saying he can't believe it was just a year ago, or that it felt like a million years ago, would work better.


There are a few other instances of this sort of thing ("object of despair" is another). I think that it's important to put the character into your descriptions that you have, because it really makes the story fun to read, but you also need to work on not putting in too much, because that bogs the story down.


The only other major weakness I have is that while I enjoyed it immensely, it felt a little unfulfilled at the end. That's not to say that I think he should just end up with the girl, because that's up to you as the author and I think that it works fine the way it is, but the jumping around in time and the change in attitude confused me.


Initially, he's talking about being in love with her and hating her boyfriend. Then he says that the dispute is ending somewhere different "this time," which I took to mean "a year after his failed relationship with Victoire." But there is no "this time"-he's just remembering their fight and all, and he ends on a pretty upbeat note. Both of those things threw me a little. I wanted to feel like there was some connection to the leadup to the memories and the way they ended, and I just didn't.


I hope this was helpful!


Last: 3/6/16


Oh, I love the way you've dealt with Draco meeting the alternate Narcissa. This is such a complicated dynamic, and it's fitting that Draco is going through the mourning process all over again without being conflicted about where his loyalties lie. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure why any part of me was at all concerned about that being a struggle - of course it wouldn't be. He hates his father and Voldemort for good reason; once your mother has been murdered, you really can't go back from that, even if this Lucius and this Voldemort didn't actually kill Narcissa.


Yet? I've got a sinking feeling that she can't get through this story alive, but I might be being overly dramatic or paranoid.


I loved the way you portrayed her, too - I can see how this woman could turn into someone with a lot more strength of character, but she's very far from there yet. My heart went out to him.


For the HPFF Review-a-thon!


Yeahhh my reviews have gotten shorter. They're usually not that short, but I gave myself permission a few years ago to just say when I liked something rather than getting incredibly effusive about it, so my reviews have gotten shorter in general.

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Reviewing is something I'd like to improve at, and I've been working on that over the past months.


The first review I ever posted on fic, waaaay back in 2009 on HPFF. (Ugh *hides*):

Wow, this is really moving!

I'm not sure if I believe that this is what Percy's voice would sound like, but the sentiments are so strong that I WANT to believe it.


and my most recent review, also on HPFF, on May 25, 2016 (I need to get reviewing again!!  :-[):

Hello darling! ♥ TAG


I'm SO excited to read this. It's high time, isn't it?


The little opening bit about chance and choice gave me the chills. Just perfect!


Oooh, oh oh oh! I'm excited about your Lily. ♥ I just LOVE child Lily moments, and this is perfect! You created a wonderful scene - I think the blade of grass is a particularly nice touch, and I LOVE how she is oblivious to what we know are signs of Snape's not always savory character. They're both very much in character. Snape reads a little older than 11 to me, but then again I suspect he would have been old for his age, so that is a nice touch in its own right.


This little intro for Sirius is different from what I usually see. A lot of people paint the Blacks as horrible people right from the start, but I found your interpretation much more true to life. This life is what Sirius has always known, it's normal for him. Of course, we know from the books that he isn't enamored with Slytherin or blood purity when he starts at Hogwarts, but regardless, you show a relatively normal boy living a relatively normal wizarding childhood. I find that refreshingly honest. *nods approvingly*


OH MY MERLIN, YSH. Remus' section is just... kljfoiahefwfdsidhf. HOW did you manage to write Dumbledore so perfectly in character? I feel so sad for young Remus, in this story but also just, you know, always. I never thought about Dumbledore going to talk to his parents to arrange things, but it's entirely logical.



--> “Really?” mused Dumbledore, undeterred “Well, I dare say I agree. He does seem exceptionally skilled at Gobstones for such a young age. And his knowledge of hinkypunks - ”

YES YES YES. It is SO Dumbledore, and also BRB LAUGHING :D


I don't have a ton to say about James' section, since it's very happy and fun and doesn't introduce conflict like the others do. But that's exactly as it ought to be with James and you capture him so well!!


Aw, now, PETER is a different story from James, despite the similarly happy moment. You have giving the most perfectly telling insight on PeterRIGHT HERE:

--> If only they knew, he thought grudgingly. He had often considered telling them he was a wizard, but thought he would be ridiculed further.

Spot on! Also, his father as a traveling apothecary salesman is 110% my headcanon now. It fits so well.


Seriously... Siriusly... HOW DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO GET HERE? I am just such a fail, because already I can tell that you are going to be brilliant at writing these characters and think of all the time I wasted NOT reading this! *shakes head in disappointment* I am so excited to read more!!! You're a fab writer, lovely! ♥




xoxo Renee



So, they are now MUCH longer and more detailed, though also more spastic. That's partly because now I'm often friends with the writer, which wasn't true when I first discovered fic.

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@The Potter Children, Ch 33 10/5/13

James got framed! Can I guess it was scorpious? And you know cell phones can't work in Hogwarts because there is too much magic. Though I never got why those don't work yet in the books Harry and friends had alarm clocks and watches. Maybe they were magic alarm clocks and watches?


Oh my gosh. I went 33 chapters before reviewing? And I misspelled Scorpius? I didn't even capitalize???? At least the review was actually pointing something out though instead of one of those update soon ones? This was on FFN.


Review #1, by Shadowkat Battleground: Robbed

27th May 2016:

I can't believe I never thought about this before, and I feel horrible for that fact. I agree with the other reviews that this should be talked about more. Even in modern times, there've been instances where men get laughed at if they tell someone they were raped. This was...how many years before Harry and Co? It would have been even worse then.


No one should have to go through that. I also feel for Merope, but that wasn't right at all. I think you did very well at conveying his feelings about everything as well. Then when he finally meets his son...that son kills him.


Still not one of my longest, but at least I spelled correctly and used nice punctuation.


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Bahahaha! I almost regret opening this thread. I just went through and read some of my old reviews on HPFF and just…wow. Way with words I have there…


Only have reviews posted on HPFF.


So. First account review, from back in 2008:


Really liked it so far. Awesome start, and a good way to end a chapter.



Most recent review on HPFF, from June 7, 2016: *Possible spoilers for ASLTW*




I have been waiting for this chapter for AGES! It starts to answer the really big question that has been bothering me for at least the last 10 chapters (okay, so maybe more like one of the many questions, but like, answers! Finally!). Honestly, you should have seen my freak out this morning when I finished reading the chapter. Almost embarrassing, to be honest…


So. Start of the chapter. Glad Rose is settling in to her new office and that Albus is back to work! Like, it’s a big step for him and to see him back is amazing. His interest in the case study is also interesting. Love how Rose just kinda lets him go at it and gives him whatever he wants to keep him going with looking at this case.


Also love Rose talking to Scorpius. Like, have been waiting for them to chat about it and Scorpius to actually admit how much everything is affecting him. It’s good for Rose to reassure him and get him to talk, though I’m pretty sure with how this chapter ended…well…he’s not going to be in a good place. Especially based on the story he told and what Rose’s case study says and the discrepancies that Albus pointed out with the lab results. Like, my heart is so broken for him and for Rose because I just know this isn’t going to go well. The poor bloke has enough on his plate without this being dragged up and being a big mystery like this…


That said, I am super interested in finding out more about this case and what all is going on/what all happened. I think I was ahead of the game back a couple chapters when I had the nasty feeling Rose’s case study was related to Scorpius’ parents, but now I think it’s just getting worse because I get this feeling Stannous is related into the entire situation as well. Like, just what doesn’t need to happen, but I could totally see it. Totally makes sense. Can’t wait to see where it goes.


I also have to laugh. My concern at the end of this chapter, besides Scorpius’ wellbeing at the discovery that Rose has been working on this case, is how Scorp didn’t see the case study pictures or hear Rose talking about this case and put it together earlier xD


Anyways. Lovely chapter Beth! Quite enjoyed it! Can’t wait for another chapter! :D





Quite the difference in reviews…went from little sweet notes to actually looking at the writing for what it includes and what possibilities it opens. A lot more chatty (especially on longer stories or with Authors I know) and definitely much more overdramatic xD


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Haha! This is great!


My first review on HPFF was back in June 2013! It's kind of hilarious how short it is compared to the reviews I leave now!

So you said in one of your other chapters that you've written so much more! Please please update more!! This is such an awesome story and I LOOOVEE seeing new ones :D


And my latest, which I left at the end of May...

Kaitlin! I'm here to review your story for the Demotivator Challenge!!




WHY, KAITLIN, WHY?!?! Why must you do this to me?!


Seriously, this first chapter has left me with this horrible pit in the bottom of my stomach and I'm fairly certain that the entire time I was reading this I was either growling or cringing horribly.


The cringing was because of your (vivid) descriptions of Scorpius' boils bursting. *shudders* I've been seriously grossed out now.


Anyway, aside from the gross boils, this story is really good! Well... good in the sense that you've done an excellent job of making me hate Rose and Albus, which I didn't think was actually possible!


Poor Scorpius! That's such a horrible situation to be stuck in! Bullying is NOT okay, in any circumstance, and it's horrible that Scorpius has to deal with it from Al and Rose of all people! Scorpius doesn't deserve to be bullied because of his father! It's completely unfair!

(Hehehe, see what I did there?)


As horrible as it is that Scorpius is getting bullied, it's also completely believable that he would be on the receiving end of it. It makes sense that after the war, wizarding society would completely flip sides in terms of ideals - and all of the bullying that Harry received from Draco goes the other way with their kids. Which is so sad, because I'd imagine that Harry and the rest of the Weasleys would've taught their kids to be better than that -- but I guess there's something to be said for the idea that fame goes to one's head.


Ugh. It makes me so mad!


As for the Demotivator you used... well, I don't think I'll ever be able to see it the same way again! What a way to turn something that seems kind of snarky/sarcastic/funny (and even a little bit childish) into something that's suddenly harsh/mean/cruel and even a little dark! I certainly wasn't expecting that!


This is all good though, don't worry. ;D


Wow! What a great first chapter, Kaitlin! I'm really looking forward to reading more of this at some point in the future!


Thanks so much for entering my challenge, and keep writing my dear!



It's definitely not my longest, but it certainly explains why it takes me SO long to leave reviews...

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I love how the first two replies to this thread are people whose most recent reviews are longer than their first ones. :P But both for good reasons it seems– a love of fellow authors and allowing oneself to get to the point. I like that. Plus, as I think we all know, it's not always the longest reviews that are the best ones!


I've definitely got a predictable first and last. My first review is terrible, and it's not even my actual first one– all my earliest reviews were lost in the HPFF server crash of 2008, so this is just the oldest one I have on record:



I lost all my reviews in the crash and now I'm desperately trying to make them up. So why not start with one of my favorite fics on the site?

Great, amazing job. This story never fails to make me crack up.

Nice work! 20/10!


"Great, amazing job"? Way to go Sarah. Two bland ways of saying something was enjoyable, paired right beside each other so that it almost sounds lamer than if you'd just said "great job" or "amazing job" by itself. Then, 20/10? Seriously? *shakes head at younger self*


My more recent review is typical of my reviews these days: a little wordier than it needs to be, with a mixture of all sorts of things.


Love the idea of opening a story with not one but two interesting death situations! One, a disgraced grandfather, his own family not bothering to visit his grave. Two, a funeral no one wants to be at. Wonderful setup.


I was confused by something in the first few paragraphs-- you mention Gran telling the narrator something, but then you also mentioned that Gran was "burned" at the stake? Why the quotation marks? Is it because she didn't actually die, and that's why she's around telling the story? I couldn't really tell what was going on there. It seemed like a contradiction with a simple explanation that I was just blanking on.


I also like how you knocked the idea of a relationship with Tibs away right from the beginning. Whereas normally you'd see a boy/girl friendship and immediately think, "They're gonna get together!" this allowed me to at least temporarily put that out of my mind, and focus on them as a platonic unit, which was helpful. This isn't to say they can't become a "thing" later. And even if they do, I like that you're emphasizing their friendship first.


Great line here! "The only real loss sustained is that there's one less Death Eater in the world, and the Mudblood lives." The last line of the chapter is fantastic as well. Way to end the prologue with a bang.


It's so neat to have a character who can only picture herself becoming a Death Eater, given that I really like her already! It's hard to explain why I'm a fan of hers already; I like her matter-of-fact voice, and the fact that she has what seems like a nice group of friends. I think that says a lot about your writing ability, that I've come to like Posy in such a short time and with so little information! I know you mentioned that one of your areas of concern was Posy's narration, and I have to say that it's working really well so far. I'd love to get to know her better.


I suppose at the end of this chapter, I'm kind of wondering what I'm supposed to make of Posy's grandfather, the one introduced at the very beginning. I get how Aurelius' funeral is working in this story; it provides a backdrop for Posy to explain a little bit about her life, and is a good springing board for the rest of the story. I can't help but think her grandfather is still going to play an important role (for no other reason than that the story opens with a mention of his mysterious death... And when you open a story with something, it's got to be important! But Aurelius' funeral kind of pushes that to the background. So I wonder if that's something you want to have happen, or if you want to find a way to incorporate him into a later part of this chapter at all.


I definitely don't think the prologue needs to be expanded, at least not for the sake of a higher word count. I think short and sweet prologues are quite nice, they let readers get a taste of the story without slogging through 4,000 words. And while many short and sweet prologues could use more, you really have packed a lot of intriguing information into this. I definitely want to keep reading!


Overall, I thought this was a very successful opening chapter! Interesting characters, interesting premise. How unusual to see a friend group that's three boys and one girl... I hope Posy can hold her own, and I'd guess she can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this thread! It's really neat to see how everyone's reviewing style has changed over the years. 


I'm going to post my first & last reviews from HPFF.  I joined back in 2005, which seems like forever ago- and I guess it was.



hey! i really liked this story a lot. it's original... i don't think i've seen one like it. which is awesome :) can't wait til you update next, and when i have more time, i'm going to check out your other stuff. it sounds awesome.


Very short, and at least I told people what I liked about it? But some of my reviews are even shorter than that after it. 


And then after I rejoined HPFF, someone said somewhere that reviews were basically talking about the story and what worked and what didn't. And something clicked. So here's my latest review, which is much closer to my reviewing style now.





I'm so happy that we get to read more from Draco's perspective. I've probably told you a million times (so here's a million plus one) how much I love what you've done with him. He's really obsessed with Astoria's memories, isn't he? I'm not sure if I find that endearing or creepy; I can definitely see that he needs it as a break to keep him from going insane, but at least he knows that she would freak out if she ever found out what he was doing with her mind. And it's interesting, too, that he keeps memories of her being a child, of being more vulnerable and more real. It makes sense, though, that he'd choose this given their first interactions with the parlor.


AND OH MY GOD IT WAS HIM THAT SHE SAW! Well, she didn't see him, but he was one of the Death Eaters! I don't know why I wasn't expecting that to be the case but I was so excited that it was!!! Really well done, a nice little twist right in the beginning to keep things going.


You really do such a great job with the pace of this story, though. You manage to keep things fresh and interesting, even when we're just getting a peek into someone's mind, such as Draco's at the beginning of the chapter.


I KNEW IT WAS ALBERFORTH! Huzzah! More canon ties! I love it so much :) You write Neville and Luna so well; Luna had me chuckling at her light, blunt observations about Alberforth and poor Neville is trying so hard to get negotations going. It's so lovely to see him really starting to try and be a leader, it's great growth for what we see later on in the book when Harry comes back to school. He's really come into his role here, and it's so great.


I love that Astoria stayed hidden at first, and that Neville seemed to understand why. I definitely loved that she remained in the shadows to keep watch, but when she finally heard enough, she stepped right in! It reminded me of the moment with the fork and I just went, "YES." You're really giving us someone to root for, Penny, and your character archs are amazing and deserve an A+. Or would that just be an E for Exceeds Expectations? ;)


What I love about Astoria is that she's very no-nonsense. Not many people can argue with her the way that Draco can, not many people can see through her fortress and we got to see that here with Alberforth. He tried to keep to his stance, but she ran him down. I don't think she was downright cruel, but she made her points very clear, and I was relieved that Alberforth decided to help them after all.


This was another amazing chapter! I'm getting sad, though, that I'm on my way to being caught with this story. I don't want it to end, I love having chapters to read.


Keep up the great work!




Much longer, more detailed, usually more squealing. :) I always talk about the things that jump out at me, and I try to comment on things in almost every portion of the chapter. It doesn't always happen, but usually I have a lot to talk about.


It also helps that most of the time, I know the author now somewhat, so my reviews are more casual.  :)

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I already know my reviewing methods have changed a lot over the last 11 years but I thought I'd share it with you guys here... So these are my very first and most recent review under my penname EngimaticEyes16 on HPFF.




18th February 2005:

omg, i love your way of writing and i hope you update soon. i have a really strong feeling this will be an very good and interesting story. some people may it but don't listen to them. i like it and i think it should be continued.


*winces* Well, at least I was encouraging... Although, omg, the first story I ever reviewed was a Drarry. It's fate! I think it just officially became my OTP...





22nd May 2016:

Hi Gabbie! I saw your status and thought I'd come check this out, as I always have a soft spot for the twins! This story starts off so cute! I think it's interesting that your Fred is so closed off from having feelings for other people. And the conversation with George where he accuses him of treating girls like toys, when in fact Fred is the one who wishes they wouldn't treat him like a toy. It's very intriguing, I'd like to see where this feeling is coming from. Did someone perhaps ever treat him like a toy?


Although, it was so sweet seeing him have a little hope at the love letter. And actually develop feelings for someone. I wanted so badly for the letter to be for him, but sadly it was not meant to be. And poor George, following around Angelina because he's in love with her but unable to tell her so even though she clearly loves him back. That must terrible every day to be so close to something you want without being able to have it. But of course, they do eventually get together because we do see them in the A Force of Wills timeline.


And speaking of A Force of Wills, I loved the little insert with Astoria. I thought it was so cool of Alicia to help out the young Slytherin girl after seeing Malfoy and his friends bully her numerous times. I really need to get back to that story when I get a chance.


This group of Gryffindors is so interesting though! Katie loves Oliver and is best friends with Lee. Angelina and George are always together but haven't gotten together yet. And Alicia is in love with Lee but he doesn't notice her. Fred wasn't in love with anyone until he got a little bit of hope. I wonder who Lee is interested though, if he's interested in anyone. Hmm...


I really enjoyed this one-shot! Although I did notice a couple inconsistencies: one, in the beginning and later on you mention the note was found in Potions textbook, but inbetween that, you mention Fred found it in a Transfiguration notebook. And then when they are hiding in the closet together, you repeat the same sentence twice "He was starting to get nervous."


Also, the closet scene! That was so cute between them. Again, I really wanted Alicia to want him back and I feel very sad now knowing that she didn't. I thought it was sweet though that he asked her to come to him if she ever changed her mind about Lee. Of course, it's not always that easy, and she may never see him that way, but I thought it was a very bittersweet note to end on.


Anyway, wonderful story! Hopefully I will be able to be back soon and read and review some other things!




Well, I still tend to leave out whole words in my excitement of typing and lack of reading through afterwards before posting, but VERY DIFFERENT and so much longer than the first. I always try to comment on the things I liked or quotes I liked (but I'm not always that specific in making full quotes). I love guessing what might happen in the future chapters although this is just a one-shot review. But I still like wondering about things that aren't answered.

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  • 1 year later...

I've only been reviewing for five months, and all of my reviews are on HPFT, but seeing as how my reviews have reached their peak and are now starting their decline, I should probably post them here before I regress further. (It was a little hard to remember which story I reviewed first since the reviews are a little out of order, but I think I got it right? At least, this is the first story that I reviewed that I hadn't read before on HPFF.)

Saving Severus Snape (Chapter 1) by @MegGonagall


The premise of this story is so interesting! I've never come across a fanfiction with the Hermione/Snape ship before, so reading a story like this one will be a first-time experience for me. Since I'm going to be reading (and hopefully reviewing) each chapter separately, and since you've already written a large amount, most of what I say will probably be fairly useless, haha.

My first thought is how different seeing young Snape from Hermione's perspective will be. From the first chapter here, I can already tell that she's sympathetic towards him, and maybe this is what will help guide Snape later in the end. Personally, because I view Adult Snape as a generally awful human being who did end up acting for the greater good in the end, reading about Young Snape, before he's fully grown and entirely responsible for his own decisions, will be fascinating.

I'm excited to see where this story goes!

Pretty short. :P 

And then my most recent one is the same story, Chapter 19. Which I swear I didn't plan.



This might sound really weird, but my favorite part of this chapter was when Hermione went off into the Forbidden Forest in order to collect the unicorn horn. A close second favorite is when she was crushing the horn up and storing it. I don’t know why, but I just love scenes when characters are out gathering important ingredients that are used for magical spells or potions or whatever. I don’t know, it’s very exciting. And you made it even more exciting, because of your descriptions of Hermione’s actions and the forest and the unicorn horn and her thoughts!

Anyway. Sorry about that, I really don’t know why I like these sorts of things so much.

I love the development of Hermione and Snape’s relationship. I’m actually really relieved that no one’s giving them grief over it; I don’t think Hermione wants that unnecessary stress on top of her all-important mission of saving Severus Snape’s life haha.

And poor Hermione omg, when she was overwhelmed by the frustration of it all and started crying, I wanted to hug her so badly. Thankfully Snape was there to do it for me. But ugh the Golden Trio went through everything so young, and now there’s this added pressure for Hermione to deal with. You can do it, Hermione!! I have so much faith in you!!! (An unrelated thought just struck me: if Hermione was seventeen when she traveled back in time, does this mean she’s currently one-to-two years older than Snape right now? Math is not my strong suit, haha, so I don’t know.)

I can’t believe Slughorn caught them ahahaha I get so embarrassed at just the thought of that. Anyway, the two handled it well, and I’m glad Hermione got to laugh a little after her frustration. <3

Wonderful chapter, as always! Your writing is always so fun and interesting. <3


Things I've noticed: (1) I began to sign my name at some point, (2) I started to use hearts, (3) I began talking a lot more. I think my reviews hit their peak like thirty reviews ago, though. :P 

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So um, with HPFF closing and all, I figure this is probably the last chance I have to dig up the sheer hilarity that is my early story reviews. There was also a nice middle period in like 2014-2015 where I was good at writing these really long and detailed reviews, but I've clearly regressed since then, lol.


First (written Feb 3, 2013):


OHMYGOSH I have a love/hate relationship with your cliffhanger. This story is just perfect, and please UPDATE SOON!



Last (written Apr 21, 2018):


I've gotten so behind on reviewing this story, ahh! Anyways, fab chapter, as always. I just love all the little things in this chapter - Carson's friends making shirts that spell out CDUB, her and James getting nerdy about Quidditch stats, and the fact that the wizard version of rock paper scissors is cloak stone wand because omg that makes so much sense. But now I'm just trying to figure out what the heck happened at the end there - gotta love a good cliffhanger, haha. Can't wait for chapter 11!



Moral of the story: five years later, and I'm still just a giant sucker for cliffhangers. :roflol:

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My first review (written September 23rd, 2012 on HPFF):


I have read every single story on here. I've been reading them for a long time, but just got an account today. You really should be a professional. I'm eager for a new chapter! Please update quicker!

My most recent review (written April 23, 2018 on HPFT):


Wow this was so fun! I loved reading Gilderoy's point of view on everything. I snorted out loud when he said that he was "humble" (which is kind of bad, since I was/am in public).

His misinterpretation of how James felt about his hair potion was just GOLD. Pure gold. I'm glad to see that James is a lot like Harry when it comes to Lockhart.

I've never really considered Gilderoy being good friends with Bertha Jorkins, but it makes sense. Bertha was a gossiper, so no doubt they both liked attention. I like the friendship you set up for them here.

His obsession with hair potions is absolutely adorable.

I like how he notes that there's a distinct difference between lavender and lilac, because to me it's just "purple". LOL.

Thanks so much for writing this! It brightened my mood!

Clearly, my reviews have gotten longer (though that last one was a bit shorter than usual) and more detailed. My first like 5-ish reviews were all just a few sentences long and begging the author to keep writing.

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