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Reviews That Make You Go "...Huh?"


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You know what I mean, don't you? You see you've gotten a new review, you rush to check it out hoping for some hard-earned compliments, fingers crossed it's not a flame, and then...


...wait, what?


It's not a flame. But... is it a compliment? What... what is it, even? Some reviews just... you know, they just don't quite seem to make sense. They leave you confused and wondering just what inspired such a comment.


Gotten any of those? Share them below! Because, quite frankly, they're rather brilliant.  :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I give you the shortest and by far weirdest review I've ever gotten:





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  • 1 month later...

I really had no idea what to think of this review. It wasn't mean, and in fact parts of it were nice, but it just made no sense as most of the review was the person wishing I had made a reference to Pirates of the Caribbean in my HP fic. I also think they wanted the romance in this parody story to not be a parody romance...?


Definitely a parody but there's actually no "romance" in this fic. Lots of humorous moments though! :)


So, Genghis Khan was wizard, huh? *smirk* BTW, I was expecting that you'd insert a reference or two about/from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" and was mildly disappointed whn there was none. (Or maybe there was but the reference flew over my head. Hmmm...) I did like your jab at "Titanic" though. *chuckle*

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  • 2 weeks later...

So today one of my reviewers on L'optimisme left me this as a review on chapter 20:


m gays,,,,,,


Every other review they've left me (there's been three or four) has been pretty normal - short and sweet, but normal. This one, though... no damn idea. I just... I'm completely lost on it.

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Left on Chapter 22 of Not Fade Away:


I'm lost.


By a Guest account. So I really can't help you, buddy, without more context or a way to contact you or...

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I got one on ao3 last night for Find My Way that just said:


oh shit


That's it  ;D haha I definitely laughed a bit in that 'evil author' sort of way.

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  • 4 months later...

I got this review on one of my crossover stories that wasn't really even a review so I was just like, ummmmm.......


I only read city of bones so i did understand it (yes!) but i was wondering do Alec and Magnus really get together?


I mean I guess that's more reviews on my story, but why bother asking me when you could just ask Google? So I was kind of just like.... Thanks?

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I just got this peculiar one on FF.net:


I woud have liket it moare if she had been a huffelpuf but idk


Uh... okay? xD

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"You might consider that Rowling usually had her characters doing things in 3's though. As Harry thought he was about to die, he remembered to tell Neville so there would be 3. I know you didn't want a "Trio" story too...just a thought."


On a next generation story featuring Albus and Rose. I wasn't quite sure how to respond.

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Apparently we have a weirdo reviewing spree going on as I just received this gem from a guest on Chapter 43 of Evolution (wherein Dumbledore doesn't expel or strip prefect status from two (2) students James and Lily catch - while not hearing a whole lot substantive - conspiring with Snape) on FF.net:


yeah that was really stupid of Dumbledore and frankly it makes the story hard to believe.



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  • 1 month later...

Somehow I tend to get mostly just weird reviews on FF.net!  This one, someone left on the final chapter of my novel - mind you, this fic is 181k words so the person actually invested some time in reading the story, but all they left was the following gem:


What is this, "Lost"?


I just... ?

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i once got this on 'out of the shadows' on ff.net and was just like ...


This story does not seem to fit your description at all.


um. alright then

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  • 1 month later...

Uhm... I just got this on MuggleNet  :o


I am not quire sure how the characters fit in to the usual story. I think a second reading is called for.


The story has a lot of OCs... I guess he/she refers to those as 'characters' that don't fit into the Harry Potter universe (is that what is meant by 'usual story'?)

By 'second reading' is it meant that she/he needs to read it a second time to understand, or that I need to get someone to beta read for me...? (I did have a beta reader, and other positive reviews)


So far I could answer to all my reviews, and I would love to answer to this (I mean if he/she bothered to read my story and leave a review, I should honour that), but I honestly don't know what to say here... :-\

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I got this one on HPFF some time back:


Can you tell me the actress in the picture you used of Astoria Greengrass.


I have no idea whether they liked the story, or even read it, so it definitely left me feeling confused!

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I got a review a long time ago on one of my first one shots, which I posted on FFnet. The story kind of just went into a little bit more depth about Helena Ravenclaw stealing her mother's diadem. It also described the Baron asking her to marry him and she refusing, and ended with when the Baron

kills Helena and then commits suicide



helen should marry the baron


Um...firstly, that's not even her name. Secondly, they're both kinda dead...

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  • 9 months later...

I got this one forever ago on FFnet:



I'm lead to assume they hit the enter key before finishing writing one of two things: "absolutely amazing" or "absolutely a dumpster fire." We'll never know. :P

I also had one (on FFnet again, shocker) that was complaining about the lack of a story image. Nothing about the story. They just wanted art because "Fred is hot." 

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  • 6 months later...

Oh, I've gotta a gem. This is was on my WIP HP fic, where:



James and Lily are resurrected, and the Basilisk is brought up at one point. I got an anonymous review saying:


Love their Basilisk response... Now for them to tell her to do the proper thing of cashing in her 2,000,00 G reward and free the school from the clutches of the deadly poisons fester beneath the school. If Salazar's protections in the chamber ever failed it could potentionally kill everyone in a 100 mile radius.

For the record, my story never even hinted at going anywhere near that direction. Never said if they liked my story or not, just how they thought it should go.


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  • 2 weeks later...

so, um, i think someone just asked to write a fanfic based on my fanfic??


I love this.. At first I wasn't sure w the OC and all, but I love it. In Second Generation stories, I've never liked James but I love him now. I want to write a Rose and Scorpius fan fiction, but now I can't write James without Abby. I don't want to imagine him with anyone else ever. The development is believable and well-paced. I'm in love. If you don't mind, if I added you as co-author, could I use James and Abby as background characters in my own fic if I give credit to you? If not that's ok too! Thank you for giving me goosebumps I really really love it.


i'm flattered i guess, but like... huh?

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  • 5 months later...

Well this was a compliment bit of a flame and a whole lot of 'huh?'  like why did you bother to review exactly?


:Hi! I think this fanfic was pretty well written! However, as I read it I started to hope for it to be a fix-it fanfic. I thought maybe Remus would notice something about Peter (maybe he would have implied something about Remus himself that Remus knew for a fact wasn't true), that James wouldn't have, and therefore become suspicious of him. Or maybe he just wouldn't have wanted to go through with the switch purely because he didn't want to make such important decisions in James' place, without his input. This was an interesting idea with the body swap, and I was hoping it would end with all of the marauders, although not necessarily Peter, alive. I like your writing! Thanks for putting this story out here! However, I'm going to have to leave now, because Remus (the reason I'm here) is dead and that is not acceptable to me. :) (yes, end of book 7 is not acceptable to me either) thanks and bye!


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  • 3 months later...

I got this on FFN as a review for The Most Beautiful Flower: 


Your opinion of James is so strong. If only you gave every character a choice.
JKR wouldnt have let Lily marry James. Idk why you Snape fans are so annoyingly against him. It's just so narrow minded.

It was also on anon so I couldn't respond. It's very obvious they never checked my author page. ?

I also had a friend who would just list the name of a fruit and leave that as a review.

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  • 1 year later...

I've had a few weird ones, but my favourite has to be: 'If you can, please make the sex scenes more explicit'

Apparently my tasteful fade to black wasn't everyone's cup of tea!

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@tinyporcelainehorses, I have also gotten this request in a review. It’s a weird feeling because on the one hand, I’m glad the reader was digging the chemistry, but on the other hand, I wrote what I wrote so :shrugs:

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They also left a pretty interesting comment showing that they might not be the most... nuanced... reader, saying that the main character struggling with his place within his family and the cycle of abuse should 'man up and stop being such a mama's boy', so i suspect they just weren't my target audience, to put it mildly.

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5 minutes ago, tinyporcelainehorses said:

They also left a pretty interesting comment showing that they might not be the most... nuanced... reader, saying that the main character struggling with his place within his family and the cycle of abuse should 'man up and stop being such a mama's boy', so i suspect they just weren't my target audience, to put it mildly.

There's no eek! reaction so I'm putting it here: ?

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Full on self promo that literal chaos fire and embracing the chaos each have a new chapter!!! But also I just got this review on etc, where the latest chapter is a missing moment between Lily Potter and William Flynn... a very smutty missing moment... in which there are literally no other characters... and Emerson has not once been a regular player in the chatfic while Will has been heavily mentioned the entire time...


When I saw this, I was kind of hoping that it would be a continuating of Molly/Emerson, because I love emerson way to much for my own good...

Yes, that is the entire review. Again, Emerson is not in the chapter, she was in the last missing moment, and is barely referenced in the chatfic right now, so I'm just like ?‍♀️

Now, I fully appreciate that this person loves Emerson, but like... WHAT????

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