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Site-Wide Awards Name Suggestion Thread


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Hi everyone!


With Award season going on in several Houses, it is only to be expected that it will be happening on a site-wide level, too. However, before this all can happen, we at HPFT are going to need your help, as there is still no name for the site-wide Awards!


Until the 5th of April, 23.59 GMT, you will have the chance to submit ideas for names in this specific topic. The week after that, a voting round (lasting seven (7) days) will be opened to determine which suggestion, out of all the suggestions, will be used for the site-wide Awards. In the event of a tie-breaker, an additional, very short poll (which would only last two (2) days), would be opened to determine which name it's actually going to be.


However, we would like to remind you not to suggest any names which are already used on any other fanfiction site where writing is published, as they are prohibited in the spirit of fair play and solidarity.

(If any of those names are suggested, please do not hesitate to let us know. After all, we might not know what awards are called on every site.)


If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to ask!


That being said, bring on the suggestions! Any original idea is welcome.

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Here are some:

-The HPFF Awards (Lameo, I know)

-The Harries

-The Winkies

-The Frog Card Awards [The Frogs for short] (and each of the winners gets a chocolate frog card type graphic about them, perhaps with a chosen HP gif?)*

-Fantastic Members and How to Celebrate Them

-HPFT Wizarding Order of Merit (Wizzies for short)


That's all I got.





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^Not a suggestion post, but the winkies (or winky's) are already in use on another site <3


Lovely suggestions otherwise though! Keep them coming!

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I may come back with more later, but for now:


The Nifflers

The Silver Stags

The Golden Quills

The Patronum Awards

The Nimbus Awards

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I'm partial to the Chocolate Frog Cards idea, but here are some other suggestions:


The Hallows

The Triwizard Awards

Hogwarts Trophies (to go in the Trophy Room, of course)

The Firebolts

The Phoenix Awards (may be in use elsewhere, IDK)

The Grindylows (because they're exactly NOT the sort of thing you'd expect an award to be named after) :D


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Oh, I love the Chocolate Frog Card idea! (and the chocolate frog card type graphic would also be such an original award)


My idea would be to call it FROGS and for F.R.O.G.S. to be an abbreviation for "Fanfiction Recognition for Outstanding and Ground-breaking Story" - just as we have similar abbreviations in the HP universe such as OWL (Ordinary Wizarding Level) or NEWT (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test)

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My idea would be to call it FROGS and for F.R.O.G.S. to be an abbreviation for "Fanfiction Recognition for Outstanding and Ground-breaking Story" - just as we have similar abbreviations in the HP universe such as OWL (Ordinary Wizarding Level) or NEWT (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test)


I love this idea so much! <3

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The Phoenix Flames

The Phoenix Feathers


Something to do with our Fav Icon that is a Phoenix so I like the Phoenix Awards too! Like

The Golden Phoenix


The Phoenixes

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I second Phoenix Feathers. The tie to the favicon here would be great. There are also two specific wands in the HP realm that have phoenix feather cores, plus then there's idea if you win, you've earned a feather in your cap.


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The Order of Merlins with first, second, and third places as First Class, Second Class, and Third Class.

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The Order of Merlins with first, second, and third places as First Class, Second Class, and Third Class.


The HPFT Prefects love this idea - in fact, we love it so much that we already use this for the staffer of the month award, so it isn't eligible here ;)


Thank you so much for the suggestion, though, Paula. It's a great one!

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Great minds think alike! ;)


edit: also in hindsight I totally knew that

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These are all great ideas (I have no suggestions ::)) I particularly like Dossy's F.R.O.G.S. idea, and the Silver Stags :D

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I would suggest to name the award after someone who is an author in the Harry Potter Universe, e.g.:


Cornelius Agrippa Award


//Cornelius Agrippa(1486 – 1535) was a celebrated wizard imprisoned by Muggles for his writing, because they thought his books were evil.//


But I also like many other suggestions: F.R.O.G.S., Quills, Phoenix Feathers would all be great! :)

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uh... I've just seen that "Quills" are already in use as a Harry Potter fanfiction award. MuggleNet's fan fiction awards Quicksilver Quills yearly since 2006 in multiple categories


(I'm sorry, I've seen that many people liked the Quill idea)

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I've just seen that "Quills" are already in use as a Harry Potter fanfiction award. MuggleNet's fan fiction awards Quicksilver Quills yearly since 2006 in multiple categories


Thank you, Dossy, for pointing that out! :)


Since it has been a popular one and they aren't identical, the Prefects/Staff will have to decide if something so similar is allowed or not. (And obviously as the suggester I'm not qualified to make that call ;) )


As it so happens, I've been having a guilty conscience about the Golden Quills name for another reason, and this is a good opportunity to remedy that. That name wasn't my idea, but the idea of the lovely JaydeMalfoy, who passed it along to me. So, thank you, Jayde!

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Since it has been a popular one and they aren't identical, the Prefects/Staff will have to decide if something so similar is allowed or not.


I'm glad that there is this option, I was feeling quite bad for reporting on such a popular name (I just registered on MuggleNet and it hit me in the face...)


BTW if one can vote for more names my second favourites are  Quills / Phoenixes / Cornelius Agrippa - after F.R.O.G.S. / chocolate frogs

So I would also support to keep the Quills and make it as different from Quicksilver as possible :)

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I like the FROGS. But I think the gif award would be amazing (it really was my favorite idea of mine).


I also like the sound of the Agrippa award, but maybe it could be a part, like a subcategory? Each category gets a Famous Wizard Card associated with it?


-Adalbert Waffling Award (Best Backstory Fic)

-Artemesia Lufkin Award (Best Main Female Character)

-Bertie Bott Award (Most Versatile Author of the Season)

-Cornelius Agrippa Award (Best Characterization?)

-Celestina Warbeck Award (Best Song-fic)

-Grogan Stump Award (Best Main Male Character)

-Grover Hipworth Award (Best Fluff Fic)

-Herpo the Foul Award (Best Villain)

-Justus Pillwickle Award (Best Supporting Male Character)

-Laverne de Montmorency Award (Best Relationship)

-Newt Scamander Award (Best Action-Adventure Story)

-Morgana Award (Best Supporting Female Character)

-Paracelsus Award (Best AU)

-Uric the Oddball Award (Best Character)


And many, many more!


Quills... quills... we could always have the Golden Cauldrons?

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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. The poll will be up shortly.

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