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May Story of the Month Voting

Bat Stitch Crazy

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May Story of the Month Voting


Hey everyone, I know y'all are busy this month with Camp NaNo and Capture the Flag, but the time has come again for everyone to vote on which story you think deserves the distinction of Story of the Month.


And the nominees are:




Title: In This Darkness

Author: quill2parchment

Link(s) to story With Rating: HPFF (M)

Warnings (if applicable): Contains profanity, strong violence, scenes of a sexual nature, sensitive topic/issue/theme, and spoilers

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?: This next-gen story has fast become one of my favourites for its OC, Xander Vandenberg, a young wizard with a dark side who is friends with Lily II. There's something about his character, as well as his dynamic with Lily, that draws you in and leaves you wanting more.




Title: Prophecy Misinterpreted

Author: DossyVilja

Link(s) to story With Rating: http://www.harrypotterfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?psid=337764 (12+)

Warnings (if applicable): Mild violence, Scenes of a mild sexual nature

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?:

It is an excellent mystery story, that keeps the reader intrigued, dazzled, excited, chilled throughout. Well-written, and most of all very original. The story takes place in the 1960s, that is an era not much covered by JKR, but it ties really well to what is known from canon. The well-researched canon information and the newly introduced OCs all contribute to the detailed descriptions and coherent story that result.


You have until roughly 11:30pm GMT on April 25th to cast your vote. If you are one of the nominees, as usual, we ask that you don't vote for yourself.


Good luck and happy reading

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Congratulations Quill2Parchment!


I did not vote, but I think your win is very well deserved, I have read your story and like it - please keep uploading chapters! ;)

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