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Monthly Movie Night!


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Hey y'all! We're thinking of having a recurring movie night on a monthly basis using rabbit. Please vote which movie you'd like to see and please comment some dates and times that work best for you for next week for the watch party!

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Omg I wish this was multiple choice! I'd love any of them except Doct Strange or Fantastuc Beasts.


Love that we're doing this!

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Most morning or afternoon gmt work for me, and some night depending on if I'm at work or not, haven't got my shifts yet

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also I'd be up for a whole big Marvel thing at some point

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I voted for Fantastic Beasts as my first choice, but I'd also be down for Rogue One.


For times and dates, my schedule is terrible, but I'll try my best to pop in during the movie night. :)

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So I haven't been around the forums much, but this is such a cool idea!


I vote for Rogue One hands down. :D


That being said, I can't always make it to forum events at scheduled times because of my tricky timezone (GMT +12), but I'll do my best???

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I love this idea!


I'm cool with any of the movies listed, but would prefer Fantastic Beasts or Rogue One. Whether I'll be able to participate depends very much on date/time of showing!

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So I have weird hours. If we need to I can set up two different viewing parties so that other time zones are covered. Like one that fits with US hours around 1 am gmt and one for more like Australia hours 7 pm gmt.

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Lovely idea - I've never used rabbit, but I signed up now :) my preference would be Fantastic Beasts especially if it is with deleted scenes ;)


I'd vote for 10 am gmt, but I think I would be able to make it for the 'Australia hours' 7 pm gmt as well

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Edit: I got my gmt to central time mixed up, so to clarify: Double movie night on this lovely Sunday! 1 pm and then again at 7pm central time! Join us for Rogue One on https://www.rabb.it/!

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Omg yes! I didn't vote because I figured I wouldn't be available as I have almost no access to computers ever, but the 11th just happens to be during the one week this summer when I'm visiting home! AAH! So excited to movie night with y'all. Thank you for organizing this, Paula!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just bumping this to say that the first showing of Rogue One will be in three (3!) hours! I'll post a rabbit link about half an hour before hand to make sure anyone that wants to watch it can!

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We'll start in about 20 minutes, but here's the rabbit link! Grab your popcorn and get cozy!


We've decided to push it back until next weekend so stay tuned! AND GO EXPLORE THE BEAUTIFUL FINAL EXAMS!

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