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Wand #4

Guest Hogwarts Staff

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Guest Hogwarts Staff


Laurel with phoenix feather - it’s an unusual combination, but a potent one. Once you win this wand’s loyalty, it won’t easily be parted from you - and that phoenix feather is a very special one.


Keep this wand close, especially if you anticipate letting your gut lead you astray. If you take this wand, you will have the opportunity to do three extra credit sections to boost your score on exams of your choice. You will also be permitted to disregard four requirements total for your exams. (For example, if an NEWT requires an E in your Charms OWL and you haven't taken it yet, you can use one of your four there to take the NEWT anyway.) However, you must still have all the ingredients.


If you choose to take this wand, a member of your house must post below claiming it. Once you do so, other houses will be able to see this description, but they will not have access to the wand.

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