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Encyclopaedia of Time Turning Mishaps

Guest Hogwarts Staff

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Guest Hogwarts Staff

Encyclopaedia of Time Turning Mishaps


The book has a wizarding photograph of a time turner on the front.  You’re mesmerized by it’s spinning and twirling.  Despite the daunting name, and the known dangers of using time turners, you simply can’t help yourself.  The thick volume won’t open right away  — it’s locked tight.  Of course, it makes you wait for several minutes, and you’re just about to put it back on the shelf when the cover flies open and the pages flap about, uncontrollably.  You feel the whoosh of air blow through your hair at the sheer force of the whizzing paper.  Finally, the tome steadies in your hands as it lies open to a page of its own choosing.  It reads:


“Your patience and confidence have been rewarded.  As it is with time turners and magic, not all actions lead to disaster.  You have been granted a special pathway through the maze to the exam of your choice.  Be sure to choose wisely.  Once you have made your decision, one of the professors will show you the way.”

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