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Staff Appreciation Event (Deadline: June 10th 11:59pm gmt)

Bat Stitch Crazy

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Staff Appreciation Event!


Greetings HPFT’ers!


We have  come a long way in the last year. Since the site was founded, we’ve seen the development of a new home from the ground up, a brand new archive, the return of the house cup, and more recently, the F.R.O.G.S Awards.


None of this would be possible without our amazing headmasters, professors, aurors, gamekeeper, and muggle liason. AKA the Staff.


Over the course of the last year, these outstanding human beings have worked tirelessly to bring our home to life and with organizing the events that have brought out the competitive spirit in all of us. (another round of CTF anyone?)


So in honor of the site’s first anniversary, the prefects, with a special assist from Kaitlin have organized a Staff Appreciation Event.



image courtesy of glitter-graphics[dot]com


Over the course of the next few days, we have several surprises in store for both our current and former staffers to thank them for all the hard work they’ve done over the last year and the work they continue to do behind the scenes everyday. One of these events is a Staff Review extravaganza.


This is where you come in.


Starting at Midgnight GMT on June 7th and running until 11:59PM GMT on June 10th we would like to challenge you to flood the staff’s APs with reviews. In fact we would like to make this a friendly competition.


For each review left that complies with the event rules, one (1) point will be awarded. There will also be bonus points for the house and/or member who leaves the most reviews. (Point amount TBD)


So now on to the rules.


1. Reviews must be between the hours of the competition. Basically no linking to reviews left previously and please no pre-reading/pre-writing reviews.

2. Links to the reviews must be posted in this thread to count.

3. Reviews must be on HPFT.

4. For reviews left on chapters/stories that are 500 words or less in length, the review must be a minimum of 500 characters (not counting greetings and signoffs) of substantial content to count. For stories/chapters 501 words or more, the review must be a minimum of 1000 characters (not counting greetings and signoffs) of substantial content to count. This is to prevent the reviews that are similar to the following:


“Oh my goodness, this is amazing! I loved it! Please write more soon! You are an amazing author!”



HEY there!


I loved your story. Your characters were so cool. I think it's great that they did that one thing. Great job! Keep writing!


5. Please use the following forum to link to the review


 [url=insert link here] Story title, chapter #[/url] 



To make things easier for you, below you’ll find a list of all the current and former staffers. (Links not included)



List of Current Staff:


Admins – Headmasters


Alopex (Holly)

Toomanycurls (Rose)

Abhorsen (Branwen)


Game Keeper – Event Coordinator/Validator:


TreacleTart (Kaitlin)


Muggle Liaison – Social Media


PaulaTheProkaryote (Paula)


Aurors – Validators


Aphoride (Laura)

Pookha (Carl)

Ineke (Ineke)

Abhorsen (Branwen) – part time

TreacleTart (Kaitlin) – part time


Professors – Moderators:


TidalDragon (Kevin)

LadyL8 (Lotte)

Dreamgazer220 (Jill)

Veritaserum21 (Beth)


Past Staff:


WriteYourHeartOut (Tanya)

LooneyLizzie (Lizzie)

Unwritten Curse (Gina

Selene (Selene)

Akussa (Audrey)

WalkingDredd (Tammi)

MegGonagall (Meg)

Alexis Black (Alexis)

lllB (Sarah)

Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpel)



Thank you staff for everything that you’ve done for us.



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Fix You by Tidal Dragon


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I'm really sorry I haven't been able to do more for this event, but I'm still on holiday and these were all I could squeeze in during my few free moments. Staff, thank you all so much for everything you do!


Livewire by TreacleTart


The Forest by TreacleTart


Two Birds, One Stone, chapter 2 by dreamgazer220


Two Birds, One Stone, chapter 3 by dreamgazer220


Two Birds, One Stone, chapter 4 by dreamgazer220

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