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July Story of the Month Voting

Bat Stitch Crazy

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July Story Of The Month


Ok everyone now that I've found my way out of the maze for the time being, Voting has now begun for July's Story of the Month.


Below you will find a list of all the nominees and you will have until June 25th to place your vote.


As always we ask that you don't vote for yourself.


And this month's nominees are:




Title: Nights Like These

Author: banshee

Link(s) to story With Rating: HPFT (M)

Warnings (if applicable): Sexual content, substance abuse, violence

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?: If anyone can write Deamus, Julie can, and this has to be one of her best stories yet. The building relationship between Seamus and Dean after the war is beautiful, and will warm your heart. Bonus: it's complete!



Title: Blank

Author: BlackPixie

Link(s) to story With Rating: Blank

Warnings (if applicable): None

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?: Hayden really gives a unique perspective for Luna and shows what it truly means to be an Aro.  It is a very rarely seen thing in fiction and this world needs more Aro characters.  Massive kudos to Hayden.  They did some fantastic work here and everyone needs to read this piece.



Title: Growing Up Pureblood

Author: dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap

Link(s) to story With Rating: HPFT, HPFF (M)

Warnings (if applicable): Domestic Abuse, Violence, Strong violence, Sensitive topic/issue/theme

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?:

The story explores the childhood of Lucius Malfoy, a character we know so little about, and it perfectly shows that people aren't the way they are just because, but they all have a story. This is one of the few stories that gave me a true experience of catharsis. Especially the last part of it is so powerfull, it really paralized me.



Title:Voldemort and the Impromptu Holiday

Author: dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap

Link(s) to story With Rating: hpft (T)

Warnings (if applicable): None

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?:Since I read Alyssa's fun Neville fic, I became a fan of her parody. Her story makes the readers laugh so hard.  :D  If you feel stressed by RL, let's stop by her fun story!


Title: Monster (M)

Author: scooterbug8515

Link: http://archive.hpfanfictalk.com/viewstory.php?sid=1213&ageconsent=ok&warning=3

Summary: the monster lies in wait

Reason for nomination: Poetry are so rarely acknowledged, and I think this is a beautiful piece


Good Luck to all the nominees!




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