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Site maintenance update (2 Sept 2024) ×

How Long Should The House Cup Be?


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We had mixed feedback on the length of the house cup (which was 10 months long).  Many of you wished it would cover the summer months, and we also heard a lot about times of year that make it more difficult to participate.


While we cannot accommodate everyone's schedule and preferences, we want to tweak the House Cup schedule so that it works a little better for more people.  Before we can decide how to do that, we'd like a better idea of what lengths you'd prefer, keeping in mind the problem months.


Problem months specifically mentioned in the survey:

-All NaNo months (April, July, November)

-Exam season (May, June, and part of December)

-Holiday season (December)


On the reverse site, some people didn't like stopping activities for NaNo months, and others found holiday season easier like summer.


Please comment below if there are particular months or times of year you feel strongly about including or excluding from the House Cup.


[Poll open 7 days]

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Bump...please vote if you haven't, as the results will be quite important to us in planning out how the HC will go this coming year.  Also, if you feel strongly about including/excluding certain months, it's not too late to comment about that as well, whether you have voted or not. :)

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You have only a few hours to get your vote in if you haven't already!  The poll is neck and neck, so if you have an opinion, make sure you let us know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just FYI, although the poll results in the top post did not carry over from SMF to IPB, the winning option (just barely :P ) was 1 year.  We did decide to go with that, after discussing a couple of the next-most popular options.  A big reason for deciding to go with the 1 year format was so that it is easy to continue giving points for engagement-type activities (such as participating in challenges) throughout the entire year.

As such, our schedule will run from September to August.  Yes, this does mean there will be an opener event coming up next month.  :ninja:  Keep an eye out for more information and teasers leading up to it...

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