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Order of Merlin: July 2017


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With summer underway, and the first ever house cup at an end, it’s time to announce a new Order of Merlin winner.


This month, we are very pleased to announce that the award goes to the very deserving















Graphic by poppunkpadfoot (Please rehost and credit)





Branwen has been a staff member since the site opened and she has been instrumental in turning it into the site we all know and love, including both the forums and the archives. Branwen plays a huge part in maintaining the archives and ensuring that we all have a place to read and share our stories.


Most recently Branwen played a major part in organising and running the final house cup event, the Maze, which was a huge success and an amazing end to the first ever house cup on HPFT! Branwen has been an amazing staffer throughout the whole house cup, and on the forum in general, and the site wouldn’t be the same without her!


Please join me in thanking Branwen for everything she’s done!











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Ahhhh!!! Branwen!! Loveliest of lovelies!! CONGRATS!!!

*throws confetti and does happy dance*


This is so, so, so, so, soooooo well deserved! Super thrilled for you!!


Looooove your face!! ???????

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Awww! Omg, guys - thank you so, so much! <3  This is the best community, and I'm so happy to be able to do what I can to help it succeed. <3 <3 <3

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YEEEESSSS branwen omg you deserve this so much dear !!! You have worked so hard - esp on the maze and just i cannot think of anyone who deserves it more atm!

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Congrats, Branwen!! You are truly an amazing admin with an impressive work ethic, and you're a pretty amazing person, too.  Definitely a well-deserved award <3

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Congratulations, Branwen! You are without a doubt one (1) of the most dedicated and incredibly active people here - not just on staff, but as a member. Thanks for everything you do!



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Guest pookha

Yes, congrats, Branwen. Your leadership with the archive especially has helped me a lot, and we're glad to have you here leading us into the valley of death...I mean the challenges of a growing site.

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AH! Yes! Congratulations, Branwen! You're so incredibly deserving! I think I come to you for every questions or random thought I have! Thanks for making this site such a great home!

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Congratulations, Branwen! I'm so glad you're here for us, and you do such an amazing job! xoxox

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Branwen,  I'm soooo happy to see you get this award.  It's so well deserved.  The Maze Event wouldn't have happened if it weren't for your hard work and dedication.  Congrats, my dear!!

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Congratulations, Branwen!! So well deserved. Thank you for everything you do for this site! ♥

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Honestly, Branwen, is there really any questioning of how much you deserve this award? You've done so so much for hpft, both in the house and across the entire site, and your efforts are always so appreciated. I can't imagine a hpft without you!


(Also, that maze was amazing. If only I had less exams and more free time! ?)



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