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There's nothing better than reading an author's response to your review, it's one sure-fire way of feeling all fluffy and joyful inside.


Share with us your favourite responses to a review that you've given!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Kristin (our one and only Stella Blue) left me the *BEST* response on a review:



This review made me smile so much. I'm so glad the story made you laugh in all its absurdity! Man, you know, it's a good thing someone wonderful and humble like Mary Su got the badge that says Perfect because if Percy got it instead, we'd never hear the end of it. :P


hahaha, I'm glad you appreciated Voldemortyrannosaurus rex. Really thinking about it kind of makes me just laugh, as I imagine it to be a T. rex with Voldemort's head, but if he tries to cast any spells his arms are too short? like, these are the things I think about :P My brain is so full of clutter and nonsense that sometimes I just have to get it all out in the form of a parody or a really bad fic before I can write real things again. It's quite liberating, really :P





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  • 1 month later...
Hi ImaRavenclaw! Thank you so much for reviewing! You have truly made my day! Thank you for the Hatstall tip, i like it when true potterheads read my stories! You are the reason i keep writing. I Love you SO much! - RedXx


I'm a true Potterhead *puffs chest out*

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  • 2 months later...

This was short but sweet (in response to what I hope was a similar review):


Hahaha, I'm sorry for keeping you up, but I'm really excited that you like the story! Hearing that an HPFF author I like, actually likes my story really means a lot! SO thank you for reading and leaving this comment!!!


It was by NH Stadler after I finally got off my butt and read/reviewed her WIP 'How not to be a Woodley'. :D

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  • 5 months later...

just saw that brax responded to my review in the sweetest way ever!




OMG (I LOVE your stories BTW). You are on my "most revered HPFF authors" list and you have no idea how honoured I am to receive a review from you. Like, if you were The Queen, I would probably be able to respond in a more coherent manner right now.


Okay, I'll quit fangirling around, and just say thank-you so much for your review :) I'm glad you enjoyed this one-shot.


The mangling of Cecilia's name was partly inspired by several PE teachers and my own dubious childhood. I'm glad you liked the collarbone bit. People always seem to think their heart is just under their left shoulder, for some bizarre reason.


Anyway. I'm off to do a more subtle and more age-and-circumstantially-appropriate version of a swoon now.


Brax X

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  • 1 year later...

can i just say, all of @just.a.willow.tree's responses? she's always so excited and enthusiastic about what i say and its times like these i lament the fact that i cannot reply to people's responses on my reviews. 

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  • 1 year later...

I don't have a specific one to mention because I am always super excited when I find a response to my review. I know responding is sometimes difficult and I often fall behind on my responses, but I regularly scroll through the reviews I've left and whenever I see a response, I am genuinely interested and excited to see what the author has to say. I often end up super into most fics that I read, so it's awesome to share the excitement.

It also provides this lovely discussion about writing methods and where the author's head was during writing certain scenes, it's like a mini writing discussion and can be very insightful. But of course I love the happy and giddy responses just as well.

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@shadowycorner You should turn on the email notification for review responses in your archive preferences! That's what I do, so I always receive an email when an author responds to me, which is always very exciting! ?

I was actually here to talk about Eli's responses, haha! I loved how each one was such a detailed response to my review! It made me really thankful -- I'm always really happy to know that my reviews are being read by the author. ? I also really love knowing some of the behind-the-scenes thought processes that went behind certain decisions, and, of course, I'm always delighted to know if I'm on the right track in my assumptions/observations! ❤️

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