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Site maintenance update (2 Sept 2024) ×

Holding Area Clean-Up


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To all whom these presents may come: greetings!

Having completed the successful transition of the forums, we are looking to clean up some areas of the site and one (1) that sprung immediately to mind is this one (1). Though it is a nice repository of information on recently-run challenges - and of course the information hosts would need to judge, review, or track entries - the goal is to keep this section more current. With that in mind, the plan will be to remove topics in the holding area when the challenge deadline has passed by ninety (90) days or more - or when results are posted to the Hall of Fame - whichever comes sooner.

Please make sure to preserve any information you'd like to save about your challenge within that time-frame so it is not lost to the void.

Thank you, as always, for hosting such diverse and incredible challenges! We look forward to the continued vitality of the Challenge Section and the inspiration it gives to all our members to step outside their comfort zones, develop their skills, or write their favorite [insert character/era/genre/ship/other here]!


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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone! I will be cleaning up the Challenge Holding Area in exactly a week (the 17th). All challenges whose deadline has passed by ninety days or more will be deleted. If this applies to your challenge, please make sure to save any information about your challenge that you’d liked to have saved before then. If you have any questions, feel free to message me :) 

Edited by LadyL8
Moved it to next Tuesday to give people two more days to save their info
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  • 1 year later...

hi all! i'm going to be doing a clean-out of the challenge holding area at the end of the month (30th of May). please keep in mind that if a challenge you've previously hosted is currently in holding, you'll have to post its results to be eligible to start a new challenge. 

if it's been 90+ days since the challenge deadline has passed, the thread will be deleted from the holding area so make sure you save all relevant information by 29th May, 2019. if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. :) 

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