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Hi there!  I'm Farmgirl and I'm the slowest author on the planet.  I'm not sure there are many out there who ever remember that I WRITE stories, but just in case there are, and you want to ask me something, I'm finally getting around to putting one of these up.

I have stories posted on four main sites, and a few little side ones I won't bother digging up for here.

HPFT Archives
HPFF Archives

I started writing fan fiction many, MANY years ago, and have danced across quite a few fandoms in my time.  Some of the main ones are Harry Potter (obviously), Andromeda, The Young Riders, and now Merlin.  I tend to write for main characters, and certainly have a "type" when it comes to favorite characters to use.  I also love to explore Alternate Universes and Crossover ideas.

One of my least desirable traits as an author is that I write slow, give in to new bunnies while other stories are still unfinished, and often get distracted.  As such, I have yet to finish a novel length story, so some have been in construction for...erm...a long time.  But, I don't consider anything I have posted abandoned.  A few might be supremely stuck, but I plan to try and finish everything at some point.

Anyway, I absolutely LOVE talking about stories and ideas and answering questions.  Plotting is one of my favorite parts of writing.  So, if you want to know anything, just ask!  And I will probably stick things up in here that I'm stuck on, or places that have plot holes and need help, because I figure if I'm gonna get these stories finished, I should use all the resources I have.

Thanks for stopping by!  

- Farmgirl

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Hi, Jill. As I read your space fic, Andromeda and Merlin fic, chapter 2, I predict more hard things are coming to your Merlin. 

1 When do you feel like tormenting Merlin, in the early morning, or night after you finish RL things or during relaxed holidays?


2 I try to write post-war HP stories again. As you may know, I like Auror's tale, I want to skip the hardest part, grieving dead people scene. But I know I can't avoid writing about it. Any advice for me, please.


For now, only two questions. I'll come back again.



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Jill! I am here to christen your Writer's Journal because it is not lame and I'm very glad you've started one (1)!

First, I know you are currently consumed by the Merlin fandom. What about it holds such appeal to you? What aspects are the easiest/hardest to write? Any favorite characters/ships/other?

Second, you are a diehard fan of FW1 (AKA Fred Weasley). If he had survived the war, do you think he's still with Angelina or was that a GOF thing? If not, who do you see him ending up with? Also, if you could give back George and resurrect Fred, would you do it?

Finally, you write very unique characters and plots. How do you conceive these characters? What is your march like from outline to page?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jill! 

I've started reading your Merlin FF and it's really making me want to watch the show again. As I was reading it, I came up with a bunch of questions to ask you—I'd love to pick your brain a little, if you'd let me :)

1. Who's your favorite Merlin character? :D 
2. What do you imagine the show should've ended like (as the ending, as we all know, was far too rushed!)? 
3. You mentioned that you like plotting a lot, which is the exact opposite of me ^_^ Have you ever written anything spontaneously, without any outline beforehand? Where do you generally begin when you plot? Any tips on how to stay patient about the whole thing and not jump into writing? :D
4. Lastly, what do you believe your Ilvermorny house would be? 

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Guest Rumpelstiltskin

Hey, Jill!

  1. Which character's death in the HP series was most heartbreaking for you and why?
  2. What is the biggest, craziest crossover or AU you've ever had a plunny for, and did the writing come to fruition?
  3. In each fandom you've listed above (HP, Andromeda, Merlin, and the Young Riders), who is your favorite character and why?
  4. Which HP book in the series is your favorite and why?
  5. If you could play Quidditch, which position would you choose and why?
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  • 3 months later...

Oh, I am SO embarrassed!  I honestly forgot I had one of these, and had questions waiting for me to answer!  Please don’t hate me – I haven’t been ignoring you on purpose!  I just have a brain like Swiss cheese!

Now, let’s see if I can finally get you answers to these amazing questions!  And again, I’m SO SO SO sorry!

Starfeather – 
1. Now, wait….isn’t the word “tormenting” a bit harsh?  I mean sure, the story puts Merlin through some tough stuff, but it’s for the sake of plot you know!  Gotta have conflict and all that.  You make it sound like I enjoy lounging around thinking of new horrible things to do to him.  (Okay, so maybe that’s more accurate than I want to admit, but a girl can still deny things…)  And this answer is very sarcastic and I’m teasing you, Kenny, so please read it that way.

As for when I think of stuff?  I do it all the time.  I’m always thinking of more Merlin plots.  But do I ever actually get around to WRITING them?  That’s the tricky part.

2. Oh, writing the grieving for everyone after The Battle of Hogwarts – I don’t blame you for wanting to skip it.  And I’m not sure I’m the one to ask for advice.  I still haven’t finished (or gotten to) that part in most of my stories.  I guess, just imagine how you would feel if it were your family or friends and try to write from that frame of mind.  That’s the best advice I have to offer.

Awww….thanks.  But it IS kinda lame that I forgot I had one, isn’t it?

1. Merlin – I’m not entirely sure why it grabbed me so hard right now.  I’ve known about the show and the basic premise for quite a while, but somehow never really felt like watching it.  And then suddenly I stumbled across some fanfiction for it last year and read it, and was hooked.  

I really love both main characters – Merlin and Arthur.  I love their friendship, and loyalty.  I love how different they are, but how much they need each other.   And the actors do a phenomenal job portraying them.

I especially love the character of Merlin though – it isn’t often you can find a fictional character that is allowed to just be good.  Everyone fears making them some kind of Mary Sue and peppers them with hidden faults and skeletons in the closet to avoid that, but Merlin is different.  He’s kind and loyal and brave and always thinking of others before himself.  And he’s also clumsy and funny and laughs at inappropriate times and has no respect for authority.  He’s just a really great character.

All of this makes it really fun to explore stories in this world.  

As I said, I love the friendship between Arthur and Merlin.  That’s my favorite aspect to write.  I’m also a firm Arthur/Guinevere shipper, but I haven’t really strayed too far into romance yet.

2.  Ah, Fred.  I do very much adore that boy.  

I am not a Fred/Angelina shipper.  I never have been.  (Not a George/Angelina shipper either, if you are wondering.)  I love Angelina as a character, but I never saw this pairing working.  I think they are great friends, but that’s it.

As for who would I put him with?  Probably an OC.  Maybe a witch, maybe a muggle – not really sure.  Someone who laughs at his jokes, can hold their own with a witty tongue, but maybe has other – DIFFERENT qualities to round Fred out a bit.

Save Fred, lose George?  No.  I couldn’t do this either.  I don’t want EITHER of them dead.  I like them too much!

3.  Um…because I’m not normal and my brain is a mess?  Because I have a run-away imagination and always have?  Honestly, I don’t know.  I just love wondering “what would happen if” and then trying to answer it.  

And you’re assuming I HAVE an outline.  Haven’t you noticed how many of my stories derail before being finished?  I probably need to work on this process you are alluding to.

forever_dreaming – 
1. Um, Merlin.    I do adore Arthur as well, but Merlin is my top favorite no contest.  

2. Well, I imagine I wanted what most fans wanted – a season or two of Arthur knowing about Merlin’s magic, of peace and happiness in Camelot (with the occasional monster or skirmish of course), of the two of them working together to build Albion.  And I wouldn’t have objected to little prince or princess or two running around, calling Merlin uncle.  It still breaks my heart that we didn’t get this.

3. Oh, I’m more like you than you think.  I love PLOTTING – thinking of ideas and stories and great adventures.  But getting them ready for writing – now that’s hard work.  And I’m not so good at that.

Yes, I’ve written spontaneously.  In fact, most of my stuff before I got into Merlin was like that – get idea, jot a few notes, jump into it.  But I’ve found that leads me to trouble, as I now have more unfinished stories than anyone I know.  I’m trying to do better, force myself to sit down and plan and outline and figure things out.  But I still can’t usually resist the urge to jump in a write, so I will have scenes for all different times in the story written sometimes.

4.  I don’t actually have an answer to this question, as I’ve never even looked at the houses, or the qualifications.  Which makes me a weird HP fan I know, but it’s true!

1. Fred.  Hands down.  I’m still not over it and do everything in my power to pretend it didn’t happen.   As for why, well because he’s Fred.  He’s one half of Fred and George and they shouldn’t not be split up.  Because he’d been making me laugh since book one and I didn’t want to lose him.  

2.  Um.  I have a ton of these you know.  Big, crazy AU crossovers.  I have a Cliché Harry finds a long lost relative fic that is novels long and becomes a CSI NY crossover halfway through.  (It’s still very much a WIP.)  I have an AU ending of my own AU Andromeda fic that becomes a Firefly crossover.  I have an AU HP fic where Fred lives that the sequel becomes a Stargate crossover.  And I have 43 Merlin story ideas saved in a document, all of which are pretty AU or crazy, just waiting to be written.

I think it’s safe to say I’m just not normal…

3. Nice question!  Okay, here goes.

HP – Fred and George (yes, I’m cheating and using two, but they are a pair you know) – because they are funny and crazy and unexpected, but they are also fiercely loyal to family and friends, brave in ways they get little credit for, and completely on the good side.  Plus, the red hair and Weasley status don’t hurt.

Andromeda  - This goes to Seamus Harper, scruffy, sarcastic engineer with a big heart and a lot of pain in his backstory.  He’s a fighter who never gives up, even though the odds have been stacked against him from birth.  And he’s freakin’ hilarious about it.  Being a super genius is a nice bonus.

Merlin – this award goes to the title character.  Merlin is very much my favorite.  I love that he’s kind and good and selfless.  He cares for others more than himself.  He’s loyal and loves his friends and family fiercely as well.  He’s just GOOD.  And characters that are allowed to be that – to have morals and stick to them, to be gentle and kind and not glorified killing machines…they are just rare now days.  He’s also clumsy, cute, sarcastic, horrible at following orders, and not afraid to tell people what they need to hear.

The Young Riders – My favorite character in this fandom is Ike.  He’s had a rough life and past, suffered a lot of trauma.  At a young age he lost both his hair and his voice, leaving him open to a lot of poor treatment which breaks my heart.  But he’s still managed to stay kind and gentle, which I love.  Again (yes, I’m very much seeing a trend) he’s loyal and willing to walk through fire for his friends, or for what he thinks is right.

4. Order of the Phoenix – because it has the most Fred and George of any of the books.  LOL

5. Quidditch?  Um, does person who makes sure there’s hot chocolate waiting when they all come back in from a game count?  Sports and me – we don’t really get along.  I’d rather stay inside where it’s warm and read or something.

Thank you so much everyone for such wonderful, thought-provoking questions!  I’m sorry I took so long to answer them!  I promise not to forget about this thing again!  

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  • 1 month later...

Jill! :hug:

1. So obviously my first question has to be: When can we expect the next chapter of Healing? :angel:
2. In most series you're a big fan of, I believe, you tend to gravitate to the comedic characters as your favorites. What is it about the funny ones that resonates so strongly with you?
3. You're obviously an incredible dramatic writer, but seeing as you have such a love for humor in the characters you favor, have you ever considered writing a novel that was humor-based over drama, action, and tear-jerking cruelty? :whistling:
4. How does it feel to be a 2018 FROGS winner? (ALSO CONGRATS!)


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1. What's the makings of a good crossover? Do you have any tips for making one work? 

2. Got any new plunnies in the works that we can expect in the future? 

3. Who do you write for? 

4. What do you enjoy the most about writing? 

5. Is there a part of the HP fandom you think should have more fanfiction (like a particular era/character/ship etc) ? 

I hope you enjoy answering these! 


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Oh, you two are the sweetest people on the planet!  Questions from BOTH of you?  How lucky am I?  (hugs all around)

Okay, Tanya first:

1. Healing? - Well....I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up.  Probably a bit.  BUT, I can tell you that a few weeks ago I sat down and actually outlined the rest of the story, so there might be hope.  Does that help at all?

2. I don't know.  I actually think I tend to gravitate to the slightly damaged and emotionally vulnerable characters who cover it up and hide it by being funny.  I actually think Fred and George are kind of the exceptions to my general rule when I think about things.  They are just plain funny, no hidden emotional drama to go with it.

And I honestly don't know why I'm drawn to them either.  I guess I just like characters who can laugh even though the world has been crappy to them.

3. And NOW I'm blushing.  Awww....thanks for the compliment!  

Now, writing whole NOVEL that was just humor?  I don't think I can do that.  The angst is strong in my muse.  She gets it in there no matter how hard I try to stay away.  I tried to write a cute little fluffy Merlin Christmas story this year.  By the time I was done plotting it contained a kidnapping, being knocked unconscious, and a desperate search for a missing friend.

Honestly, I think there's something wrong with me.

4. Humbling. Unbelievable.  Can't believe MY story was nominated, let alone won!  And so so so so grateful to the people who did nominate it or voted for it!

Thanks Tanya!  These were great to answer!


Now...oh dear, I just realized I don't know your real name.  I guess I'm gonna call you Rain and hope you correct me as soon as possible!  SORRY!

Rain's questions:

1. I really don't know if I'm the expert on writing crossovers.  But I do love reading and writing them.  

What makes a crossover good in my mind is one that has a plot beneath the surface of it.  It's not just a story to throw characters together so they can meet (which of course it also is - all crossovers are always that) but there is a REASON they are meeting and the worlds are colliding, and then there are also THINGS TO ACCOMPLISH once it happens.  Most of the crossovers that don't make it very far suffer from one or both of these problems.  They're just excuses to bunch unrelated characters together, and so no one but the person writing them enjoys reading it.  Or the characters have nothing to do once they make it together, so the story peters out.

My one suggestion though, would be not to be afraid to go for it.  Even fandoms that you would think could never be successful crossovers will work, as long as you plot it and have reasons for things, just like any other story. 

Also, people shouldn't be afraid to read crossovers with fandoms they don't know, because is it really any different from reading a story is OCs in it?

2. OH BOY!  This is a dangerous question.  Any new plunnies?  My dear friend, my Merlin Story Idea document has 62 possible story ideas on it, and the document itself is 100 pages long.  I think I need help.  LOTS of help.

But, if you really wanted to know, I'd be happy to show you the document sometime, or maybe even post some of the bunny ideas here and see if people would be interested in reading them.

3. That's a very interesting question.  

The obvious answer is myself - I write stories that I would like to read, and that are inside my head and needed to get out.  I do tend to be stubborn and hold to my own ideas of things, even when everyone around me is writing them a different way.

BUT, I'll be honest.  I also write for my readers.  I love getting feedback - it's the best drug in the world.  And I try to write things that I hope will attract readers and give people enjoyment.  And I get bummed, just like anyone else, when no one seems to notice.  So, the fanfic writer's need for feedback is strong in me as well.

4. The escape.  The chance to fix things that should have gone differently (don't argue with me, you know it's true people, lol.)  Feeling like these fictional characters are some of my best friends.  

And there's a beauty to words.  Sometimes getting the right ones gives you the greatest thrill!  It's so rewarding.

And pure honesty?  The squealing reviews when someone loves something you've created?  Nothing like that either.

5. Fred and George.  Twins.  More Gred and Forge.  More main roles for them instead of just funny background characters.  

Did I mention Fred and George?  

Just checking.

OH!!! There's your name!  YES!  

And yes, these were so much fun to answer!  Thank you, Bex!  Thank you for coming by and giving me these great questions!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi! :hug: I just realized I haven't stopped by here yet, and since I've read so many of your Merlin fics, I decided to fix that :P

1. What are some fandoms that you have plunnies for that you may not necessarily have started writing yet? Or, which other fandoms would you consider writing for, and about what?

2. Currently you're writing a good number of Merlin fics (which makes my heart happy, because I love them so much :wub:), so I wanted to give you a well-deserved chance to brag a little bit! What's your favorite part of your Merlin fics? (Or if you want one in particular, Silences Cuts Loudest Through the Chaos.)

3. How do you come up with your titles? They're all so poetic and intriguing, and I'm envious. :P

4. You mentioned that you had a lot of WIPs, which in my opinion is totally fine! The more story ideas you come up with, the more different tales I get to read about. :wub: But my main question is, if you were given the chance to suddenly finish one of your WIPs, which one would it be and why?

5. Who's your favorite minor character in the HP books?

6. Which HP book would you have liked to witness with your own eyes the most?


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Jill!  I'm not sure how I haven't stopped by here earlier, but I had a few questions for you! :hug: 


1. You've written so many wonderful stories that I don't know if I'd be able to pick my favourite, but do you have a favourite amongst them?  Or, if that's too difficult to answer, is there one which means more to you than others, or which you'd recommend for people starting out with your stories?

2. A lot of your stories take place in different fandoms.  Is there one fandom in particularly which you always find yourself coming back to, or is it just very much about what you're interested in at the time?

3. Do you find it difficult moving between fandoms when you write?  Do some lend themselves better to different moods?

4. We know that Merlin is in Slytherin, according to JKR.  But if you were to sort the main characters from the Merlin TV show, which houses would they be in and why?

5. What do you think is your biggest strength in your writing?

6. Are there any stories that you've always wanted to write but haven't had the chance to yet?  Maybe about a particular character, or set in a particular fandom?

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  • 7 months later...

I have SO many WIPs that it's laughable, but also not funny.  While I have written over 800,000 words in my life, I don't think I have EVER managed to finish a story more than 3 chapters long.  It's pathetic, and it really needs to stop.  So, since I'm stuck at home and can participate in April NaNo for the first time in my life, my goals are simple.  


As much as I can, on any story that needs finished.

Do I have a plan?  No, not really.  Maybe you guys can help me out with that?  Start at the back of the line, try to get some of those plots that have languished for a VERY long time finished up?  Or stick to my Merlin stories that are more fresh in my brain and might actually still have a few interested readers?  And then there are my poor Harry Potter fics...a few of you might even remember them.

It would take too long to make an entry for each unfinished story I have to claim, so I will just list them by fandom and then you can all see how absolutely all over the place I am.



My oldest fandom with my oldest unfinished story, Coming Home.  
I am very certain no one would read this if i finished it, but it would feel very good to know that I had.


Waiting for the Light - 67 chapters and counting with quite a ways still to go.  My epic Dylan and Harper bonding fic, as well as fix-it story for all the broken parts of this imperfect show.
The Winds of Change - My crazy AU that rewrites the plot and characters of Andromeda as a Western.  Lots of Harper whump, as usual.


Crashing Through - My mystery fic meant to delve into the background of both Mal and Wash, while conveniently ignoring the movie.  Why did I try writing a mystery again?
The Strongest Souls - Crossover alternate ending to my Andromeda fic Waiting for the Light.  Hey, I never said I was sane!


Healing - My attempt at telling the story of what happens immediately after the Second Wizarding War.  Fred lives, and all characters are included.  Actually has a half written sequel that I can't ever post until I finish the blasted first one.
Sticks in a Bundle - A right bundle of a mess.  Abused Harry rescued by the Weasleys after the end of the 5th book.  Only three chapters published on ff.net, yet my most read and favorited story ever.  People are weird!
Gravel on the Ground: From the Ashes - Retelling of the series from book 4 on through the eyes of an OC - Sadie.  Certainly cliche, probably rather horrible, and yet I'm still rather fond of this world. 


Leftovers - A novella focusing on Adam who finds a sick kitten at a crime scene.  Probably the closest "long" story I have to being finished.
Gravel on the Ground: Taking Flight - Yes, another crazy crossover, this time taking Sadie from the Gravel on the Ground HP series and sticking her into the CSI NY universe.


Escaping the Maze - Another crazy crossover, again with CSI: NY.  This is my attempt to fix the problems with the Max books.  Goes AU right in middle of the first book, while the kids are in NYC.
The Broken Road - AU once again - seems like that's all I ever write.  The gang finally find a place to call home, but just like everything in their lives, they will have to fight for it.


And my current fanfic obsession that doesn't seem to be diminishing at all - Merlin.  I have at least two dozen novels plotted for this fandom but since they aren't even started yet, I'll just stick with the two that are posted.
Silence Cuts Loudest Through the Chaos - AU (Are you surprised?) Arthur and Merlin are kidnapped by a crazy king and hauled off to his kingdom, where they have to rely on each other and try to escape.  Lots of Merlin whump.  LOTS.
When the Walls Won't Hold - Yes, also AU.  Merlin gives his secret away to save Arthur but in front of Uther.  And now life will never be the same again for anyone.  And also, lots of Merlin whump once again.


I'm sure I've forgotten some story that's posted somewhere.  With this many, who can keep track of them?  So, what should I work on?  What should I finish?  Which muse should I prod at?  And, please PROD!  Because I need it! 

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Hello there!

First off,  it's great that you'll be able to some time to partake in Camp NanoWriMo  this year and doing so for the first time which I hope goes well for you.  Another thing I want to mention that you have tons of great ideas for the stories that you presented so far and it's cool that you have so many works in progress.  I am particularly interested in the Harry Potter, The Maximum Ride series (read it in elementary and middle school but haven't finished the series) and CSI: New York as far as the stories mentioned goes (so happy to see that somebody else like that shows as it's one of my favorites as well! ;w;). I don't have a knowledge regarding the other fandoms mentioned even if I vaguely heard of Firefly and my friend wants me to watch Merlin so I'm not able to comment much on it but I do feel the ideas are varied and interesting in their own ways or what I'm reading.  Additionally  Healing, Escaping The Maze, and Gravel on The Ground both sounds like something I am definitely excited to read.  I also would love to see a CSI: New York and Harry Potter crossover as well and of course, The Maximum Ride series with CSI: New York sounds like it'll be filled with fast paced adventures and that would be fun to get into! :D 

In regards to which story to work on,  I do have a few recommendations or suggestions and you can either leave it or take them if you like.   The first suggestion I have is to find what story gives you a positive experience while writing it and by that, I mean a story that makes you the most happiest, proud, or helps you in a positive ways that either if you're trying to finish it, it would make you feel satisfied at the end or at least makes you feel beyond happy with its completion.  Oh, and to clarify, this can even include stories that have negative set of events like character deaths or but it's a story that you, as the author, know that you're in love with it in a sense that you always love writing it in spite of the.  Another suggestion is a process of elimination of some kind so try and look at your WIPs and sort them by things like fandoms,  which story has the most progress or the least, or which one is the word count goal you want to reach,  or any way you would sort it.  After doing so and knowing what you want then sort them by one by one, and go there one at a time and pinpoint which one screams at you the most to get it done or at least write it. If not, another elimination of process method is to try and see what you want to do. For example,  picking out a few stories that you want to write in case you have trouble with only deciding to writing one and going through each choices to see which one stands out or makes you feel like you're needing or wanting to write it. 

If you still have trouble on where to start in terms of writing,  there's a method that I sometimes use and it's helped me somewhat from time to time and that is to use a random generator whether you sort them by numbers or story titles, it doesn't matter, all that matters is imputing them in, and seeing what choices it gives you and from there, all you have to do is pick the suggestions it gives you and go from there.  In the end, it all comes down to you and what you're wanting to work on but also need to work on. By that, I mean that if a story helped you in a difficult times, has a deadline (real or imaginary), if it challenges you to work for something that you want, or you know the story you write gives you great satisfaction then by all means, maybe try and go with that one. I don't know if any of these suggestions helped but those are a few that I can think up of for the time being.  Asking questions about what you want to improve, do, or write can also help too as you may find a chapter you needed to write or help you discover some kind of answer that you didn't have before with a scene that you wrote but maybe want to rewrite or look into as well. 

It's great that you have multiple of stories to write since it would help in the case of writer's block or you find something else to write in case, the story isn't finished since it gives you options to pick and not be stuck with that one story. It can be overwhelming to choose just one but I feel that writing either what you want to the most, know what you want to write the most, and or taking them one at time, or doing a few stories, little by little can also be helpful. I  find it's just the matter of organizing them and picking out what you want to do the most. Does that make sense? Hopefully some of it made sense and I do apologize if it was rambly but hoping some of it helps you out even if it's just a little.  

With all that  being said, I do wish you the best of luck with reaching your writing goals! You can do it! You got this! :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!  Thank you so much for stopping by my Nest!  And I'm sorry I'm rather slow responding.  I read this and it made me so happy, but getting set up to teach online has NOT been easy.  Which kinda responds to some of your first comments.  I HOPED to be able to do NaNo this April, but so far online school has been so hard to get going that I haven't written a thing.  

I'm very flattered that you like my ideas, however!  And that you are another Maximum Ride and CSI NY fan!  I will admit, I haven't finished the Max books either.  I LOVED the characters, but I felt like the plot got lost after a while and I kinda lost interest.  Which is my most of my stuff goes AU fairly early in the series.

And you should TOTALLY watch Merlin.  It's one of the best TV shows ever with outstanding acting and fun plots to boot.

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me suggestions!  I haven't had the time to put any of them into play yet, but they gave me a lot to think about. The idea of the random generator to pick which story to work on is kinda intriguing.  I might have to try it.  Could be interesting to see if the muse can be forced to just go on whatever happens to come up.

Thanks again for stopping by!

And on a personal update note, (if anyone is even reading this mess) I haven't written a thing.  But I haven't given up yet.  If I get ANY words out tonight at all, I will post a snippet here to celebrate.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not much and it's not even any good, but it's WORDS so I'm putting it here to prove I at least managed a few this month.

For my Merlin fic - Silence Cuts Loudest:

Chapter 23

Arthur paced.  Back and forth between the window and his fireplace, over to the study set in the circular portion that jutted out from one corner of his tower cell, back to the other side to stare at the strange tapestry attached to his wall, then over to his bed where he finally flopped down on his back with a groan.

He had to court a princess.

 In just a few short hours.

 A princess he didn’t love.

 And he had no idea what to do.

 In hopeless frustration, he ran both hands through his hair while staring up at the ceiling.

 Give him a battle against a deadly opponent with horrible odds and he’d be just fine.

 Tournaments, games of strategy and court, even roughhousing with the knights – he knew his role in all of those situations. 

 But matters of the heart?  Wooing a woman? 

 He would never admit it out loud, to anyone, but he knew nothing of that.  His father had him raised to be a prince and a warrior – the heir to his kingdom.  An heir who would marry the girl the king one day chose, so there was no need to be educated in the ways of courtship and love.  All he’d learned of the topic had been gathered from tales overheard from the knights – mostly Leon if he was being honest with himself – and a few embarrassing conversations with Gaius.

 There was a reason he made Merlin write the notes and pick the flowers to send to a lovely blacksmith’s daughter who made his heart flutter in indescribable ways whenever she looked at him.

 With a growl, Arthur jumped to his feet.  Thinking about Guinevere was not helpful in the least right now.  This was not a romance – this was war, cloaked in courtship, so he would approach it as such.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Noelle Zingarella

Hi Jill! I think you're doing a great job--and wow you've written a TON of stuff ❤️

Tell me more about this Fred lives story!!

What have you been working on so far this month? Who is your favorite: Arthur or Merlin? 

What's at least one thing you've done well writing -wise this month?

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On 4/25/2020 at 6:27 PM, Noelle Zingarella said:

Hi Jill! I think you're doing a great job--and wow you've written a TON of stuff ❤️

Tell me more about this Fred lives story!!

What have you been working on so far this month? Who is your favorite: Arthur or Merlin? 

What's at least one thing you've done well writing -wise this month?

Thank you!  It made my day to see these questions here!  (Being swamped with school meant that I'm very slow responding to them.)

So, my Fred lives story is called Healing.  It picks up directly after the end of Deathly Hallows (minus the epilogue) and I'm kinda proud of the fact that I managed to keep everything except the epilogue canon and still save Fred.  :)  I just always wanted more from that last book.  (Well, and I didn't want Fred dead, of course.)  I felt like I needed some closure.  I wanted to see the Weasleys go home, recover.  I wanted to see Harry be pulled into being a true part of their family.  I was glad they won the war, but I needed some clean up after that.  So this was my way to fix it.  

Unfortunately I haven't updated it for a long time.  I do have it all outlined.  I just need to make myself write it.

I've been working on my two long Merlin stories.  Managed to get at least one chapter up for both of them.  And then I ended up having to revise outlines, so that is the only other thing I've done writing wise this month.

As for choosing between Merlin and Arthur?  HARD!  I would probably have to say Merlin, but only by a very tiny bit because I do love His Royal Pratness as well.

Thanks again!  These were so fun! 


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  • 4 months later...

OH THANK YOU!!!!  This is so cool!!!  I adore it and can't tell you how much this made me smile.  It has been a particularly hard week and seeing this made me feel about ten times lighter!  Thank you so much!!

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