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I have a couple of websites that I've been using for all of my stories for plotting and I'd like to know if you have any website resources that you always use as references when you're writing. 

http://www.betternovelproject.com/blog/master-outline/ (15+)

This website is AMAZING. The woman who runs it, Christine, analyzed features from three major series (The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Twilight) and condensed it into this formula that she calls the Master Outline. It taught me so much about things like different hero traits, different character archetypes, and how to incorporate symbolism. Also it tells you step by step what to include in each chapter as a guideline that has been a life saver. It's just super helpful.

http://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com (M)

This is a wonderful site that helps you get feedback from actual POCs on how to write POCs. It's a really good way to grasp nuances that you might otherwise accidentally overlook.


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Guest Rumpelstiltskin

I love this thread idea!  There are way too many bookmarks for this kind of thing on my browser, so I'll just post my top three and go.

+Aerogramme Writer's Studio  I love this site in particular because not only does it give you the latest news and tips and tricks on writing (and a whole lot of writer's resources), but it also keeps up to date with calls for stories. They have a ton of articles related to writing and are just super handy to keep a tab on.

+Bane of Your Resistance  This site is the wordpress Holy Grail of writer's block or any other such form of 'resistance to writing', including procrastination, perfectionism, avoidance, and much more. This blog is hot! The blogger has done a ton of research and has a firm understanding of what resistance to write is, how it affects different people in different ways, and how to take steps to overcome these issues. 

+Scribophile (Mature only due to the fact that it is a writer's community that hosts a variety of different subjects) This is an online writing workshop for writers and an online writing community. Here you can submit your work for feedback and earn reputation points in return for critique that you provide. This doesn't particularly deal with fandom, but they do offer some great resources and feedback on their forums.  It's almost like HPFT, but without fandom (and the wonderful close-knit community; this community seems to interact on a much more professional basis instead of a personal one, which is greatly missed). 

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Tumblr has brought foodtimeline.org into my life. It's exactly what it sounds like: centuries worth of information about FOOD.  It's excellent for writing historical fics like founders era or regency or literally any time period (apparently potatoes don't belong in medieval novels), but it also gives a really intriguing history of specific foods and even lore behind the food (think pomegranate in mythology for example).

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