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Site maintenance update (2 Sept 2024) ×

September Head Students


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After giving everyone a chance to regroup for our second house cup in August, we have a (slightly belated :P) announcement for September's head students!

Our first head student only joined the forums in July, but she's jumped in and made herself at home, including starting a review thread and making herself a huge asset for Ravenclaw in our first House Cup event, MAGIC! Please give it up for...



Our second head student has recently returned to the community after a hiatus, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have her back. She's also been a force to be reckoned with in MAGIC, but she's really shone on the archive as well, posting several wonderful stories as well as 27 reviews (and counting) in the last month. Welcome back, and please join us in applauding...




Congratulations, both of you! <3  If you'd like to keep your awards, please rehost & credit to abhorsen. @TDA. Your wins will be reflected in your house points, and please PM me with your choice of a story to feature on the archive. ^_^

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Oh wow, this was really unexpected! Thank you so much ❤️:wub:

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Congrats to both of you!! 


And Rumpel, I'm so glad that you're back!! It's been a blast having you in the CR again! :wub:

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Stopping in a little late here, but I am SO EXCITED for the both of you!!! These awards were so well deserved this month!! @forever_dreaming, you have already added so much to the community in the few short months that you've been here!! I seriously don't know what I'd do without you now, Shreya, lol!!  :wub: 

And my dear @Rumpelstiltskin!!! I cannot even begin to express how AMAZING is has been to have you back in the pit with us these past few weeks!!! :hug: And yes, you have been a reviewing MACHINE, haha!!

BOTH of you bring so much joy and enthusiasm to the forums; and to your perspective Common Rooms. And both of you did so well in Round 1 of MAGIC!! Congratulations on winning Head Students. You both totally deserve it!!!   :slytherin:  :ravenclaw:

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