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MAGIC - Round 3


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The third and final round of MAGIC is set to commence Saturday (before 5 p.m. GMT).  As with round 2, please start a thread in your common room ASAP so we can deliver your cards to you.  If you wish to purchase additional cards, you may do so any time between now and the end of the round.  Just let us know.  :)

This round will work the same way as the previous two, so I imagine you've all got the hang of it by now.  :P  If not, the rules are posted here.  Please also don't forget that when you MAGIC, if you are using an off-site spreadsheet or document to track your answers, you need to screenshot it at that time just so we can confirm you MAGICed at the time you said.

The special patterns for this round are:


The Number 7


Chess Board


Lightning Bolt


Quidditch Goal (yes, we know it only shows half the hoop :P:harry:)



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  • Replies 85
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G34 - Respond to Five of your unanswered reviews on the HPFT archives.

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G37 - Write a post sorting a non-Harry Potter character into a Hogwarts House.

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G31 - Recommend a story in the "Ship Recommendations" section.

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A28 - Write a riddle that the Sphinx could have challenged Harry with in the Triwizard Maze.

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I58 - Correctly answer these Start-of-Term Trivia Questions:

  • In which room is the start-of-term-feast held every year?
  • In the HP series, what day of which month is the start of a new term?
  • How do first years get to the castle that is different from the rest of the students?
  • How do the rest of the students get to Hogwarts that is different from the first years?
  • In which magical village do the students get dropped off at after riding the Hogwarts Express on their way to Hogwarts?
  • In 1991, what four words did Albus Dumbledore tell the students at the beginning of the start-of-term-feast?
  • Which class got a new professor at the start of each new year while Harry was in school?
  • In 1995, who interrupts Albus Dumbledore during his welcoming speech?
  • Which Hogwarts professor notoriously skips the start of term feast?
  • Which magical creatures prepare the food for the feast?
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