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Will you push the button?


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Another favorite game of mine. Again, incase you've been living under a rock, here's the rules. You give a thing someone could have, say, then give a condition that goes with it...here's mine.


You can have flight, but you have to eat bird seed and nothing but bird seed for the rest of your life. Plain. No spices or fixing it up. Will you push the button?


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Will I get all the nutrients I need from the seed or will I get sick and die from them? Because then I won't be doing much flying anyway. Otherwise, FLY YES I WANT TO FLY I don't even like food anyway!


You'll get published and everybody will buy your books and love them, but you can never again read or write fanfiction. Will you push the button?

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Nope. I have no desire to be famous and while I enjoy writing, it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life.


You will get everything you want in life, but all existing relationships you have, family, friend (RL & internet), pets, coworkers...ect. can never be contacted by you again or know of your fate.

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  • 11 months later...

I'd say NO... although "getting everything I want" kind of contradicts with "loosing contact with friends and family"


You can become a witch/wizard and attend Hogwarts as other magical people do BUT you can never reverse this decision and become a Muggle again.


Who dares? ;)

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No way. The wizarding world doesn't seem a particularly pleasant place to live - Dark Wizards starting wars, going away to boarding school at the age of 11, no basic skills like writing or maths taught beyond that age, etc.


You get your dream job - great pay, you love every minute of your work - but it's in a country thousands of miles from where you live and you can never return to your family and friends, including your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/children if you have any of the above (you can contact them online or phone them, but none of them can come with you). Will you press the button?

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Uhm, I will go with a YES... I know I'm kind of pathetic, but I don't have anyone I would miss to leave behind, so a dreamjob in a remote country sounds like a perfect way to start over :)


You can become a Legilimens (and read people's minds the way Tina does - so not the Snape kind of Legilimens), BUT you will have no choice but to know what everyone is thinking (you won't be able to filter who's mind to read, and you will know everybody's thoughts even if you don't want to).

Will you press the button?

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No, there are some people whose minds I just wouldn't really want to read, and I think people deserve some privacy in their thoughts too (also Queenie is the legilimens, not Tina :))


You can go into any book you choose for one day, but afterwards you will forget about what happened and about the book's existence. Will you press the button...?

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  • 1 month later...

It honestly depends on the book for me, if it were one that I like but would only read once then yes, but if it's an all-time absolute favourite (like Harry Potter), then um no.


You can have the knowledge of every book ever written, and know everything that happened, but you will never be able to see the words. Do you press the button?

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  • 4 months later...

No, because there's some books I really don't WANT to read. Though it doesn't matter if I see the words if I know what everything they say is. Still no.

Okay. You can see in the dark and have head sensing eyes, but you have to wear sunglasses anywhere it's not dark. Will you press the button?

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  • 1 month later...

Nah. If I want to see in the dark bad enough, I'll invest in some night-vision goggles. :P

You meet the genuine love of your life and soulmate, and though you are their true love too, they are already happily married. (Not as happily married as they would be with you, however.) In order to start a life together, you have to first play the role of homewrecker, in which everyone will know you are the reason their marriage fell apart. It will not be quiet or pretty. Do you press the button?

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Guest Rumpelstiltskin

Nope, I'm a firm believer that there are multiple people out there for everyone and not a single one is worth breaking up a happy marriage.

You have unlimited time to get everything you want done but you can never sleep again (not sleeping will not physically harm you in any way but you will be in a constant dreamlike haze).

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Nope. Not doing it. How will I enjoy doing everything? Unless everything also lets me loophole this by creating some antidote. Like a "Just take this pill once a day and you're good" kinda deal. Then I would.

You never have to struggle writing again, but you can also never improve in ability from where you are now.

Are you confident or satisfied enough with your current skill level? Do you push the button? (Also, that last one was supposed to be heat sensing, not head. XD)

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