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Adventure Three


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Welcome to Maze Adventure Three!!! 

You have until October 31st (11:59 PM GMT) to complete the maze and the task assigned at the end. Please create a thread in your common room for each maze to post your screenshots and ask questions along the way. 

Without further ado: The Cave by Renacerá

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Great job solving the riddle at the end of my maze! Now, all houses are on to writing their 10 drabbles. We've gotten some questions about the requirements for these that I'll answer here. Let us know if there are any other things you wanted clarified!

  1. How long is a drabble?
    100 – 200 words (anything longer is a one-shot, but we understand that some word processors will give you slight differences in word counts compared to the archives; an archive word count of 230 is the absolute maximum per drabble)
  2. Should we post our drabbles on the archives?
    Yes! It would be lovely for the other houses to be able to read what you've written when the challenge is over. The drabbles don't have to be validated by the end of the maze, just in the queue. And they can be posted individually or in a series or in a multi-chapter co-authored work, etc.

Please post a numbered list in your house thread with links to each of your drabbles as they're validated! Don't forget to integrate your theme/genre/etc. that you received on the final page of the maze!

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