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December Story of the Month Voting

something wicked


12 members have voted

  1. 1. Please choose one (Please don't vote for yourself!)

    • Orange Cardamom by ShadowRose
    • All the truth about Jimmy Portman by Felpata_Lupin

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  • Poll closed on 11/30/2018 at 11:59 PM

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Remember to Vote!
Voting closes on 11/30/18 at 11:59 PM GMT.

Vote for which story you think deserves recognition as December's Story of the Month!

The Nominees:

Title: Orange Cardamom
Author: @ShadowRose
Link to Story: Mature 
Warnings: Sexual Content
Reason for Nomination: It's a wonderfully sweet, light-hearted, rom-com type fic which will make you fall absolutely in love with James and Lily and their crazy, funny, cute way of falling in love. So well-written and something which will - much like a latte - warm you through completely :wub: 


Title: All the truth about Jimmy Portman
Author: @Felpata_Lupin
Link to Story: Mature
Warnings: Consent issues (mild/moderate), Dom estic abuse, Sexual Content, Substance abuse, Violence
Reason for Nomination: You may have already read the prequel to this (Liar, also a winner of various awards and a previous SotM), in which case you'll have an idea about how well Chiara has crafted this AU, and this follows perfectly in the footsteps of its prequel. Chiara showcases masterful skills at characterisation, and her "what-if" plot is so incredibly well thought out. She has been working really hard on this story and it has paid off - not to mention each chapter is better than the last and the character relationships continue to be so nuanced. It's a wonderful read.

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