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I Love my Love with an A

Guest Noelle Zingarella

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Guest Noelle Zingarella

I finished my work emails so I thought I'd see if anyone would like to play this charming Victorian Parlor game with me. I'll do the first letter, then you simply follow the form throughout the alphabet. 




I love my love with an A because he is A-mazing. I hate my love with an A because he is A-crimonious. His name is A-nthony, he comes from A-nnapolis, and I gave him an A-nchor.


Oh, I once introduced this game to a busload of teenaged Girl Scouts on a long trip, and they enjoyed it so much that they went through the entire alphabet two or three times.  A good game is timeless.   It also makes a brief appearance in my story The Hogwarts Storm. 

I love my love with a B because he is B-rave.  I hate my love with a B because he is B-oastful.  His name is B-althazar, he comes from B-aghdad, and I gave him a B-ittern.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with a C because he is C-areful, I hate my love with a C because he is C-austic. His name is C-hristopher, he comes from C-leveland, and I gave him a C-oat.


I love my love with a D because she is D-etermined, I hate my love with a D because she is D-astardly. Her name is D-anielle, she comes from D-allas and I gave her a D-og.


I love my love with an E because he is E-xciting. I hate my love with an E because he is E-gotistic. His name is E-dwin, he comes from E-dinbrugh and I gave him an E-agle.


I love my love with an F because he is f-un. I hate my love with an F because he is f-rustrating. His name is F-red, he comes from Foxton, and I gave him a f-rog.


I love my love with a G because she is g-enerous. I hate my love with a G because she is g-rumpy. Her name is G-wen, she comes from G-reensboro, and I gave her a g-oat.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with an H because he is H-onest, I hate my love with an H because he is H-aughty. His name is H-ugo, he comes from H-ebron, and I gave him a H-ula-hoop. 


I love my love with an I because she is i-maginative, I hate my love with an I because she is i-mpatient. Her name is I-nge, she comes from I-nvercargill, and I gave her an i-ce cream.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with a J because he is j-oyous. I hate my love with a J because he is j-udgmental. His name is J-ohn, he comes from J-onesboro and I gave him a j-et.


I love my love with a K because he is k-nowledgeable. I hate my love with a K because he is K-afkaesque. His name is Karl, he comes from Konstanz, and I gave him a knish. 


I love my love with an L because she is l-oving. I hate my love with an L because she is l-oathesome. Her name is Laura, she comes from L-isbon and I gave her a l-ama.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with an M because he is M-agical, I hate my love with an M because he is M-anipulative. His name is M-atthew, he comes from M-ilan and I gave him a M-agnifying glass.


I love my love with an N because he is N-oble.  I hate my love with an N because he is N-efarious.  His name is N-estor, he comes from N-airobi, and i gave him some N-ettles.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with an O because he is O-ptimistic, I hate my love with and O because he is O-bvious. His name is O-din, he comes from O-akland and I gave him an O-ctopus. 


I love my love with a P because he is P-rolific. I hate my love with a P because he is P-arsimonious. His name is P-tolemy, he comes from P-ersepolis, and I have him a P-ython. 

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with a Q because he is Q-uixotic, I hate my love with a Q because he is Q-uarrelsome. His name is Q-uentin, he comes from Q-uincy and I gave him a Q-uill.  




I love my love with an R because he is R-easonable.  I hate my love with an R because he is R-apacious.  His name is R-ufus, he comes from R-otorua, and I gave him a R-aven.

Guest Tanda

I love my love with a S because he is S-erious. I hate my love with a S because he is S-tubborn. His name is S-alazar, he comes from S-evilla, and I gave him a S-erpent.

Guest Noelle Zingarella

I love my love with a T because he is T-houghtful. I hate my love with a T because he is T-edious. His name is T-heophilus, he comes from T-exas and I gave him a T-ire.


I love my love with a U because he is U-nderstated. I hate my love with a U because he is U-mbrageous. His name is U-lrich, he comes from U-lster, and I gave him an U-mbrella. 


I love my love with a V because she is v-ictorious, I hate my love with a v because she is v-ain. Her name is Violetta, she comes from V-enice, and I gave her v-iolets.


I love my love with a W because he is W-ishfull, I hate my love with a w because he is W-retched. His name is W-arren, he comes from W-ashington, and I gave him the W-orld.

Guest Tanda

I love my love with a X because she is a X-enophile, I hate my love with a X because she is X-enophobe.  Her name is X-aviera , she comes from oxox X-erox company, and I gave her a X-ebec. 


I love my love with a Y because he is Y-outhful.  I hate my love with a Y because he is Y-ucky.  His names is Yves, he comes from Ypres, and I gave him a Y-ucca.


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